Oh noez! Gonz is punishing me! ZOMG.

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New Member

Damn, it's high time we get some better mods in here.

The topic is creative misspellings of people's political leanings. Seems when someone (like Gonz has) uses the words "demorat", "dims", "democrap", or "libruls" or when Winky calls people commies it's all good....but if you refer to "c*ntservatives" that is a personal attack. I'm not sure how a plural word referring to a group can be considered a "personal" attack but it's pretty clear logic wasn't part of this decision.

I never took those other words as a personal attack but as an attack on the democratic party or liberals in general.

Not to mention the daily personal attacks that have been going on recently by certain members that are completely ignored.

Maybe the word "c*nt" that's not allowed. Doesn't seem likely since if you do a search it turns up pages and pages of results where the word was used.

Oh well, I tried to have this discussion with him through private messages but he threw a tantrum and confined me to the Kiddie Korner. :laugh:
Your insulting behavior ended you in here.

If you can't see what the original discussion was about, it's not my problem.
You have a blatant double standard and threw a tantrum when I pointed it out. That's is why I'm posting here.

The original discussion was about your blatant double standard.
If you can't live with the blatant double standard, There are boards where it doesn't hold sway. :shrug:
You might as well enjoy the KK while you're here...great place for fluffy posting, humour and all that jazz.

In the meanwhile...there's not exactly a tribunal for OTC, but I'm sure that you can appeal.
If you can't live with the blatant double standard, There are boards where it doesn't hold sway. :shrug:

Confronting the problem would be a better option. That does remind me that I should be using Gon's old logic of "if you don't like it move to another country" when he bitches about Obama. :thumbup:

Can you see the vast difference where "libtard" is fine and "c*ntservative" is a personal attack?

How about referring to someone as a "blathering idiot"? Can you see how that is not a personal attack?

Bish said:
there's not exactly a tribunal for OTC, but I'm sure that you can appeal.

How would that work?
Confronting the problem would be a better option. That does remind me that I should be using Gon's old logic of "if you don't like it move to another country" when he bitches about Obama. :thumbup:

Can you see the vast difference where "libtard" is fine and "c*ntservative" is a personal attack?

How about referring to someone as a "blathering idiot"? Can you see how that is not a personal attack?

How would that work?
I'm confused as well, but I'm trying (honestly) to figure out where the boundaries are on OTC. I have tried to mostly mirror the abuse tossed out by the more conservative group on this board to stay within the rules. It has been difficult.

In the US, the word "cunt" is considered pretty bad (not as bad in the UK).

"Tard" is apparently OK. So, I would assume that "Conserva-tard" is OK, as well as "Republi-tard" and "Retard-ican". I think I'll start using those rather than "Republi-cunt" or "Cunt-servative" because those have been established by Gonz as violating the rules of the board.

Using undesirable animal names seems acceptable as well as references to feces. Therefore, "Republi-crap", "Republi-crapper". "Rat-publican" doesn't have the same impact as "Republi-tard". I used to have 2 rats as pets and they were clean and affectionate.

I'm still not sure if "Re-pube-ican" is OK (feedback please).

These seem to be acceptable here and fall within the boundaries of the board's rules. Please feel free to explain, Gonz, if I am incorrect.
I think that it comes down to aimed attacks vs. wide-brush attacks.
You can attack Republicans in general by calling them Republicunts...but calling an individual a Republicunt is a 'personal' attack.
That's pretty much how I see it, although personal attacks on celebrities, or anyone else who's not a member is fine too. Implied insults and attacks work well, but can backfire. After all, if I was to say 'anyone wearing a pink lacy thong is a mealy mouthed cunt' is usually a safe thing to say ... unless Bish couldn't find any clean boxers this morning. Then it becomes a personal attack and I wind up here. Not that I would ever call Bish a mealy mouthed cunt in the first place. And if I'd known he'd been wearing a pink lacy thong that day, I sure wouldn't waste that knowledge on such a limp wristed insult.

BTW, just to leave no grey area on the matter, any threat is instant banning, with no forgiveness.
Cute...but what about the women on OTC. How many could you have accidentally called mealymouthed cunts just then? ;)
That's pretty much how I see it, although personal attacks on celebrities, or anyone else who's not a member is fine too. Implied insults and attacks work well, but can backfire. After all, if I was to say 'anyone wearing a pink lacy thong is a mealy mouthed cunt' is usually a safe thing to say ... unless Bish couldn't find any clean boxers this morning. Then it becomes a personal attack and I wind up here. Not that I would ever call Bish a mealy mouthed cunt in the first place. And if I'd known he'd been wearing a pink lacy thong that day, I sure wouldn't waste that knowledge on such a limp wristed insult.

BTW, just to leave no grey area on the matter, any threat is instant banning, with no forgiveness.

(joking! They're not lacy.)
I think that it comes down to aimed attacks vs. wide-brush attacks.
You can attack Republicans in general by calling them Republicunts...but calling an individual a Republicunt is a 'personal' attack.
Hmmmm... well, I see your point. If I call Cerise a "Republicunt", then I am risking a spanking. If I call all Right-Wing Reactionaries "Republicunts", even if she falls into that category, then my statement is within the rules and acceptable. Yes?

Gonz? Or some other mod... Can we get clarification on this, please?
My participation here as a "newbie", might not make me eligible to take a side when it comes to moderators and why they do the things they do, BUT, I'll speak up anyway.

First comment goes to Spike: I do hope they are treating you well. Obviously the right wing has no idea what torture is and doesn't spend time reading the treaties they sign. Is the food okay and is it warm or cool enough for you? have you heard any scuttlebutt about possibly being shipped to Guantanamo? Be concerned if they suggest Cheney might visit Kiddie Korner (of course he shoulda been sent there a long tme ago) but be more concerned if Cheney shows up with a shotgun and asks Spike to go hunting with him.

But, all kidding aside, what are the criteria for being banished to the Kiddie Korner. But more importantly, what must one do to get out? Do they need a get out of jail card issued by the Keystone Kops? Or must one grovel, as right wing republican sheep do, at the feet of the honorable, illustrious, potentate of all, Rush Limbaugh, in order to be released.

Seems to me, and perhaps I haven't been paying attention (and attention is sending his goon squad after me) that there is a lot of insulting behavior for a group of what one would hope to be mature, intelligent debaters seeking stimulating discourse.
Yet Spike is singled out? Or is he?

(standing with hat in hand and look of acquiescence on face) I would appreciate an explanation. Or not.

I mean, this could become a Bush Administration White House thing where the name of the game is my way or the highway. Or maybe the moderators might prefer to seek the counsel of the Bush Administration where everything is secret (hush) or legal opinions are offered that have little scholarly merit but I really hope that is not the case. This is not a threat but if things don't change around here, with the next election of moderators, we'll throw you out!! By damn!! Take that you 20%ers!

Now, all that being said, I admit Spike is a pain in the posterior at times, as can we all be at one time or another, but his behavior here is no worse than any others. Well, that is in my humble opinion.

Is it okay to say that Mr Gonz?

So, what's the deal. What did little peckerwood Spike do that is so blatant and vile he is confined to quarters and for how long. Or is this a punishment of undetermined length declared by the highest court of OTCentral?

Really though, why is Spike placed in the stocks and on public view with holes in his socks no less.

I'm calling the Red Cross!

Hope this demand for an explanation helps Spike! Get out soon!

We want Spike!
We want Spike!
We Want Spike!
We want Spike!
We want Spike!
We want Spike!
Hmmmm... well, I see your point. If I call Cerise a "Republicunt", then I am risking a spanking. If I call all Right-Wing Reactionaries "Republicunts", even if she falls into that category, then my statement is within the rules and acceptable. Yes?

Gonz? Or some other mod... Can we get clarification on this, please?

No, that still risks qualifying as an attack ... if she specifically identifies herself as a Right-Wing Reactionary. You're leaving yourself open to the kamakaze attack, where she hits herself for the chance to blame you. My kids do it all the time.
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