

:sleep: :sleep2:


Well-Known Member
How do I get rid of crickets? There are lots of them in the basement... usually I see at least half a dozen just chillen on the floor when I come downstairs.


Well-Known Member
How do I get rid of crickets? There are lots of them in the basement... usually I see at least half a dozen just chillen on the floor when I come downstairs.

I've been told hedgeapples. Parents used them and I don't remember having them.

Never had them at my house. Might also have to do with the Ortho that found its way around the foundation every year. ;)


Well-Known Member
I don't know about crickets so much, but you could get some chocolate for those locusts.:D

seriously though, cats will keep them down.:toast:
Our newest kitten is awesome! He kills everything smaller than him that moves and he eats it. He eats all of it! HIs name is Marley.


The grey (Tuffy Tuffington) one got killed because she was quite the huntress and roamed a LONG way for a cat and got hit on the highway. We still have the black one and he is over 15# and his name is Sam. You want a racial slur? Ask me what Sam is short for (inside joke between me and Jody).

I really am gonna miss Jim. Despite our political issues I really did like that guy for reasons that defy even my own understanding.


To jimpeel!
No not so much, just a gut feeling about Jim's misguided sincerity. I really don't dislike anyone here, though it may seem otherwise. I find some annoying, as :lloyd: I'm sure most of you do me , but I have been able to see something decent in all of you. Although I wasn't sure about you Cerise till fairly recently. Lots of venom. But even before I saw some.....well light, I wasn't too concerned. I guess if I have a fault it is my sarcasm and my over passionate use of language. I come off as more serious than I am by a LONG SHOT. Perhaps it is so with you too.