Don't ask, don't tell...

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Out-freaking-standing OTC member
How does one go about changing legislature? Like this? I think not. You call attention to yourself, but that, in and of itself, does nothing to change policies set in place by federal mandate. I know there are gays and lesbians in the military. I couldn't care less until they break the rules. They knew the rules when they joined, so those rules apply to them. Don't like the rules? Don't join, or change the rules so that you can. There is a way, and there is an order. I just get sick of the whining and crying when someone gets outed, or outs themselves, and then complains that it isn't fair. Another thing most folks forget is that serving in the military is not a right.

Thousands of people have marched through Washington to demand greater civil rights for gay men and lesbians.

Way better cause than the Tea Baggers. Protesting can be effective. Don't ask don't tell is stupid and this type of discrimination by the government should not be legal.

The military has relaxed it's standards on many levels and yet they kick out highly trained people due to their sexual orientation? Ridiculous.
It all fun and games until some ego-centric flamer goes on about his sexuality rights to the wrong guys in his unit, breaking the continuity of the unit, and then catches a 'stray' round in battle.

I am amazed at how much national coverage and promotion this little event received.
It all fun and games until some ego-centric flamer goes on about his sexuality rights to the wrong guys in his unit, breaking the continuity of the unit, and then catches a 'stray' round in battle.

Technically, that would be murder. Most likely is him being turned in to go through that particular meat-grinder. Like I said...don't like the policy, then change it. Don't complain if you were too lazy to do the work and get caught breaking the rules.

RM said:
I am amazed at how much national coverage and promotion this little event received.

I'm not. Doesn't look like thousands of people to me, though. Just a few hundred...
Technically, that would be murder. Most likely is him being turned in to go through that particular meat-grinder. Like I said...don't like the policy, then change it. Don't complain if you were too lazy to do the work and get caught breaking the rules.
Yes it would be murder, but stranger things have happened when continuity of the unit is lost.

Yes and suddenly its all about unfair prosecution of homosexuals and their ego-centric sexuality.

I'm not. Doesn't look like thousands of people to me, though. Just a few hundred...
And thats the point, there was a big lead up and a lot of positive coverage. .....for a small protest.
yeah god forbid somebody breaks a stupid rule.


("oh minkey you can't say that, faggots ain't the same thing as us...")

oh hey look i took the bait again. umm umm good vittles.
....I am amazed at how much national coverage and promotion this little event received.

Now you see RM, this is where you have a valid reason to complain. The tea bagger march got the coverage it was worthy of, but this stuff is way too "hot button" and they scream so loud that even those of us who have no problem with homosexuality or granting them equal rights get annoyed.
Queers act like drug addicts before recovery....

Oh oh oh, I'm a victim! If only I didn't get shit on by the world, if only people treated me with the respect I deserve (without earning any), I wouldn't be this way!


Equal rights yes, special protected status....HELL NO!
Oh and don't get me wrong, they are discriminated against and do have every right o complain, but taking on the victim persona is not going to get anyone far in life!
Yes it would be murder, but stranger things have happened when continuity of the unit is lost.

Yes and suddenly its all about unfair prosecution of homosexuals and their ego-centric sexuality.

Continuity of a unit is not lost based on religion, race, gender, or sexual preference. Only criminals would murder someone based on those things. Criminals will disrupt the continuity of a unit.

And thats the point, there was a big lead up and a lot of positive coverage. .....for a small protest.

Much less coverage than the tea baggers from the rightist media.
Leslie, I dunno if you're reading the posts, or ppl reported them, but either way, mad props. My eyeballs start incinerating just reading this garbage.
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