Recent content by andersbranderud

  1. andersbranderud

    The historical Jesus didn't create a new religion!

    By using that term you imply that we are Christians (because they have hijacked that term) and that is untrue! It is true that we believe there is a Messiah and we practise Orthodox Judaism. The leader of Netzarim - Paqid Yirmeyahu ha-Tzadiq - is an Orthodox Jew in good standing in Beit...
  2. andersbranderud

    The historical Jesus didn't create a new religion!

    This post we about the historical Jesus. Who was he? Did he or his followers create a new religion? According to historical scholarship [sources: see at the bottom of this post] he practised what corresponds to today’s Orthodox Judaism all his life. His followers were called Netzarim – that is...