Recent content by browneyedMAC

  1. browneyedMAC

    Sometimes life just plain old sucks

    *gasp*....oh southern....i know, i know. i just put my loverly doggie angel down on palm sunday. she was a beautiful dobe/rot mix. 12 years old. loving, sweet, and eager to please. i know how you feel. i mean, i really know how you feel. my thoughts and prayers go out to you. they're...
  2. browneyedMAC

    love is in the air

    love is in the air once on..... He proposed!!! Current mood: ecstatic well, where do i begin? my life has been such a roller coaster lately. last week was a doozy! my head was still reeling from the car accident i stopped to help at. and then, yep. david proposed...
  3. browneyedMAC

    love is in the air

    thanks you guys, you've all been wonderful!! and i've taken just about everyone's advice...*lol*....i've self medicated, and now i'm going to see a counselor that my high school will recommend....*sigh* i've decided to go to the funeral home to see her. i'm hoping that picture will take...
  4. browneyedMAC

    love is in the air

    ok y' love was in the air.... and then BAM....RIGHT BETWEEN THE EYES!!! this is my blog for today: i know that death comes for us's something that we can not escape....some of us will die peacefully in our sleep, and some of us will die in not so nice ways...i guess the...
  5. browneyedMAC

    love is in the air

    think i missed something there... :D i'm 30 and live in charlotte!
  6. browneyedMAC

    love is in the air

    Hi y'all!! it's been a long time since i've posted. but i've pasted my latest blog so that you can see where i've been. let me know what y'all think and if you have any advice for me.... (((love is in the air.....can you feel it? i can! it's such a great thing. even when your day is...
  7. browneyedMAC

    husband or another child?!?

    inkara1: just another typical man!! :retard3:
  8. browneyedMAC

    Anna Nicole's son found dead...

    yeah, cynical of me, but the first thing i thought was drugs & booze. but autopsy supposedly says "no". so who knows? it is sad though. no matter what you think of the mom, it has no bearing on the fact that a sweet, young kid is now dead... *sigh*
  9. browneyedMAC

    who's on Myspace? that's my myspace page
  10. browneyedMAC

    My Step-daughter

    ok prof: you need to explain yourself on that one!! yeah, i may be a counselor, and yeah, i may even be touchy feely as ppl like to say. but biased .... nope. i'm not saying that's the cure. i'm just saying explore the options...
  11. browneyedMAC

    My Step-daughter

    counseling is not shipping her off to some stranger!! counseling is a professional who is trained in getting ppl to share their feelings, often times when they don't want/or know how to. i'm a huge advocate for counseling!! especially if her every day routine is being thrown off b/c of her...
  12. browneyedMAC

    Mike Abruzzese Sr., RIP

    good for you hon!! and remember, your friends and family are there for you..take solice in that!
  13. browneyedMAC

    school begins....*sigh*

    ok...i got ya....interesting thought though...
  14. browneyedMAC

    school begins....*sigh*

    prof: where did that one come from? lmao :laugh: