Recent content by Ms Ann Thrope

  1. Ms Ann Thrope

    Happy Birthday Ozmeister!!!

    sorry to be late for the party... but glad to hear it was good! :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:
  2. Ms Ann Thrope

    puree for dummies

    leaning over a sink and sucking the remaining mango off its pip is one of the great and extremely private pleasures of my life :love3: has two mangos waiting for me later tonight..
  3. Ms Ann Thrope

    I want to be disturbed

    edit: *never mind*
  4. Ms Ann Thrope

    i wish i effing knew...

    ash, don't worry about not having concrete plans or goals at the moment... as others have already said, this is your time to explore the world and discover yourself... and that journey never really ends (or at least it shouldn't, imho ;) )
  5. Ms Ann Thrope

    Happy Birthday unclehobart!

  6. Ms Ann Thrope

    a tribute to ice cream

    I buy Ben and Jerry's Vanilla. :licklips: There's more to our Vanilla ice cream than its incredible beyond-homemade taste. It's consciously concocted with a particularly flavorful vanilla blend, including...
  7. Ms Ann Thrope

    a tribute to ice cream

    last week I had rosemary ice cream... truly a mind blowing experience... :love:
  8. Ms Ann Thrope

    Hooyah! Lemonade Muffins!!!

    sorry... guess I'm being stoopid, but when I make lemonade I use water, granulated sugar, and the juice of fresh squeezed lemons.... isn't that what you would put in the recipe? :confused:
  9. Ms Ann Thrope

    Hooyah! Lemonade Muffins!!!

    wouldn't actual lemon juice from lemons work? :confused:
  10. Ms Ann Thrope

    Thought rant: American comedy VS British comedy.

    *raises hand* desperately trying to think of recent American sit-coms I found funny.... all I come up with are the Bob Newhart Show (original one, where he's a psychologist in Chicago), Mary Tyler Moore, MASH, Soap, All in the Family (rip-off of an English show), Mary Hartman! Mary Hartman...
  11. Ms Ann Thrope

    Screw Artichokes

    yup... that's my memory of it... had one at an airport once many years ago... actually I only got through half of it before I felt nauseated... thought they only sold them in airports to take advantage of the bored and sleep deprived...
  12. Ms Ann Thrope

    You're going to think I'm crazy but...

    you're not crazy... but I would DEFINITELY write a letter to the management of the dealership stating how wonderful your experience was... I'm sure he'll be grateful for the gift, but a positive letter in his file would possibly be appreciated even more :)
  13. Ms Ann Thrope


    I have to go battle with bureaucrats at City Hall. I'm wondering if overdosing on caffeine is the best preparation. :eh:
  14. Ms Ann Thrope

    Red means love, yellow-friendship

    That's really exciting news. I have a few rose bushes, and a climber. I've found the hybrids are tricky to keep healthy, while the heirlooms are sturdier. Wonder if this new "blue" rose will be finicky? Either way, I'll definitely keep an eye out for them. :)