Recent content by Trau

  1. T

    Nuclear Iran

    Whether or not Ahmedenijad is insane enough to nuke Israel is irrelevant because he does not have the authority to do so. The clerics hold all the power and quite likely would prefer to hold on to that power. The problem with Iran and the bomb is that the country would be able increase its...
  2. T

    They don't like free speech

    Europe sucks.
  3. T

    Death Penalty Case

    I oppose the death penalty in just about every case for religious reasons.
  4. T

    State of the Union

    They can poll my ass.
  5. T

    Hamas claims majority in new Palestinian elections

    People refuse to acknowledge that Palestine is and always has been a region which today includes Israel and Jordan. The Palestinian Arabs got Jordan, the Palestinian Jews got Israel, a fraction of the size of Jordan. And yet the Jews are still willing to consider their ludicrous claim to...
  6. T

    State of the Union

    I thought that was funny seeing as they have pretty much offered nothing as an alternative other than just screaming and whining.
  7. T

    State of the Union

    All I have to say is that I couldn't love a politician for any reason. I agree with most of what the president said tonight, but his profession doesn't lend much hope to the idea that what was said is the same as what will be.
  8. T

    State of the Union

  9. T

    Going postal, again

    Do you ever contribute anything to the discussion with a point?
  10. T

    Hamas claims majority in new Palestinian elections

    I never said we'd be in better hands if I was in charge. That's why I am not trying to be president. Good job focusing on the argument at hand instead of deflecting to whether or not I would make a good president.
  11. T

    Going postal, again

    Bet she wouldn't have killed so many people if one of the victims was packin'.
  12. T

    Pre-op transexuals favoured with twin IDs

    I am convinced that transsexuals are mentally ill.
  13. T

    Hamas claims majority in new Palestinian elections

    I don't know how I would fight it now or how I would have fought it then. I am not trying to fight any wars. I can tell you I would have listened to generals rather than Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz.
  14. T

    All Hail the Minutemen Project

    Like I said, I haven't made any judgements. The fact that Wal-Mart used illegal immigrants is undeniable. Whether or not you believe that is a bad thing is up to you to decide. Also, attempts to paint me as a liberal will fall woefully short. I am not one. I'm sorry, but benefitting from...
  15. T

    Hamas claims majority in new Palestinian elections

    Annihilation isn't something you can really take decades and decades to complete. The region called Palestine still stands and its peoples remain. As has been said, Israel could annihilate its enemies if it wanted to. But it doesn't. How do you figure? Are you completely ignorant of the...