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  1. habanero

    I've had more than enough of these twits

    True that, it's “just a goddamned piece of paper.” heh.
  2. habanero

    Disagree with Obama, get branded a racist

    <Rodney King>Please, we can get along here. We all can get along. I mean, we’re all stuck here for a while. Let’s try to work it out. Let’s try to beat it. Let’s try to beat it. Let’s try to work it out.</Rodney>
  3. habanero

    Happy Birthday habenero!

    Re: Happy Birthday habanero! A belated thank you.
  4. habanero

    Where do you stand

    Don't listen to it and don't care. If all political talk radio were gone tomorrow I couldn't tell the difference.
  5. habanero

    'Constitutional crisis' looming over Obama's birth location

    Has a Birth Certificate been found that says Obama was born in Kenya?
  6. habanero

    'Constitutional crisis' looming over Obama's birth location

    I'm just here to help as little as I can.
  7. habanero

    'Constitutional crisis' looming over Obama's birth location

    This is the real deal and should end all speculation.
  8. habanero

    Hi, I`m back :)

    Luis's wife! I would have known that, if I would visit here more often. So.... Hi, I`m back!!!
  9. habanero

    McCain Illegiable to be POTUS?

    Illegiable is a word?
  10. habanero

    A hillbilly record

    Hey, I'm almost there too! Almost.
  11. habanero

    Them Damn Russkies!

    The French aren't arrogant, they're just pissed off. Pissed off because, well....they're French! " French. They taste like chicken!" --- Hannibal Lecter
  12. habanero

    Them Damn Russkies!

    When it comes to arrogance, we have no rivals.
  13. habanero


    This report is hard to swallow.
  14. habanero

    Poll: Americans Like Instant Gratification

    Didn't read the whole OP or any of the thread, but I would probably agree with the title. Well, except for sex of course, I can wait for a minute or two for my gratifcation. Yep.
  15. habanero

    ring tones

    Ringtones are fine for those who want them. But if I hear this goofuss sing again I'm gonna pierce my eardrums!!!
  16. habanero

    guess who is back

    I believe Crystal is fingerless. Toxic mucos ate away his digits.
  17. habanero

    well my grandpartnets from colarado wher e here lastweekdend

    Well, maybe not exactly. My grandparents are dead, so they didn't come visit, and they weren't from Colorado either. And I didn't go to a Grand Buffet, Kohls or a Crafts Fair. I also didn't buy a new watch, or win a t-shirt and light bulb. I also didn't go to a Wind and Art Fair in...
  18. habanero

    well my grandpartnets from colarado wher e here lastweekdend

    Dude, that's exactly what I did last weekend!
  19. habanero

    WTF happened to trading spaces

    Monster House is on Discovery, where it always has been. I never did like Trading Spaces, but the one host was hot.
  20. habanero

    what the hell did i do?

    Sounds like someone did some brain banging, through your nose. Nasal sex, a wee bit kinky, but to each herown. :retard3: