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  1. S

    Shameless Plug

    Looks just like any other IPB.
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    By "drugs" I am referring to drugs illegal in the US and nicotine. Anyone who starts doing any of that shit has some serious issues IMO.
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    Lets play word association

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    Only from a passenger's point of view. I've barely ever driven (maybe once?) so naturally I can't drive for shit. I still need to find my damned license...
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    Pepsi Vanilla

    I had Pepsi Vanilla, and even though I hated Vanilla Coke, it was pretty good.
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    Son-in-law test (a joke)

    Good advice there. :)
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    when kids misbehave

    LOL! Classic. :)
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    NL is getting dangerous

    What a bunch of idiots....
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    The Braves will pwn you all. :D
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    I hate people you actually drive the slow ass speed limits. And around here, unless they are a state trooper, they legally can't do jack shit unless you go 10 miles an hour over the limit.
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    Your toy has been recalled

    LOL. I don't get what's so great about those. I'd rather either use a bike, or a car and runn everyone over.
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    Swat Hand Signals

    LOL. That's a funny picture. *saves* :)
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    you sick freak...

    I don't have a cursh. I'm a freak.
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    I gotta.............

    Pickles are yummy. :)
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    Drugs can be described in one word: stupid.
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    Microsoft Finally wakes up and faces the World

    God, I detest idiots like that.
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    Would you hit it?

    I am more prone to shooting it a few times after I play SSBM Event Match #48.