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  1. N

    The end game has begun

    I think that is just a stupid idea that is going to die out. First of all it's a company that make the chip, so it would have to sell it to another credit card company. Then they would have to find 6 different companys to make the databases, the software, the connections between it all, the...
  2. N

    Gun-haters need not read. You have been briefed.

    Man these topics realy get off-toic. But, I can't realy tell if you are talking about the guns still...
  3. N

    Al-Qaeda strikes at Britain

    I say that the earth is screwed in the end and everything is going to die. So why dont we have some fun and take Jupiter and throw it at the sun and see what happens. Wont that be better than slowly dieing because we use up all the fossile fuels and we get stuck on earth for all of time...
  4. N

    Concerning Iraq...

    I voted to hand all power over to the UN. Iraq should not be out little bitch country that we can control with shady blackmailing ect. Now that we got rid of the dictator dude, and he's hiding with the other terrorist (I can't spell there names cause it's 1:30 am) it's the people country now and...
  5. N

    10th post

    Yay, look at the posting noob, I now have 10 and I want an 11 so I made this one, watch it get deleted for it's uselessness. Wow thats a funny word.
  6. N

    fungus of the month

    Wow, you have opened to a world of funguses that are realy crazy and intresting that I will probley never look at again.
  7. N

    40 Years Later

    If it was a lone gunman, wouldn't it still be a conspiracy. He can consipire to kill him by himself, I realy bout it was an accident.
  8. N

    Write a caption

    1st pic- Shut up bitch I can't here what the zoo keepers are saying! 2nd pic- I know you can here me, don't put your foot down!! Stop! Noo!!! DO NOT PUT THAT FOOT DOWN DAMN IT!! 3rd pic- It's Jim Carry and it's hilarious, thats good enough for me.
  9. N

    well i am

    If you ever get the urge to drink , just think of us here and our suppport, then you can laugh at us and go get a big mug. NO, don't I'm just kidding you can stop drinking!
  10. N

    Wacko Jacko on the run from cops

    Hahaha, die Michael Jackson!! He probley got that uni-cycle thing from that last kid he raped.
  11. N

    what do you think of my site?

    Site is good, I never did like frames though. Not to advance or flashy, but it is still good. All of my sites end up in some folder on my computer cause I get pissed of when flash dont work, so you've done better than me.
  12. N

    Signed the papers on my new car today...

    Damn I a car bad, any one will do. None of you would happen to have a spare one lying around would you? And did you realy need a NEW car to kill an animal? Couldn't you just keep your old one for your road kill adventures?
  13. N

    Creepy alien photo

  14. N

    Interesting puzzle.

    Damn that crazy triangle. It's a paradox traped in an enigma trying to excape the infinate uncertainty that is math.
  15. N

    hey! grammar nazis!

    8/10 Stupid lay/lied/ question. All I want is 'to get laid', hahaha, couldn't help myself there.
  16. N

    Something to cheer you up.

    That didn't chear me up, just made me sad cause I don't have a cat that cute.
  17. N

    Can you excel in this Mensa test?

    I did the first three then I gave up, I'm that lazy. If I'm not in school, I'm not allowed to think, so maybe I'll do this during computers.
  18. N

    Gun-haters need not read. You have been briefed.

    The need for a fully automaic weapon in hunting?? That's simple, when you see that pefect opertunity, a full herd of deer sitting in an open field, instead of hitting one you can just close your eye and squeze the trigger, then you got yourself dinner for a month. Or if you hunting a...