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  1. E

    Rubik's Cube aka Magic Cube.... 4D

    Kawaii, Didn't your mother ever tell you anything about not making young girls' heads explode?
  2. E

    i got my tattoo!

    That is very nice looking. Very unique, I have yet to see anything like it. Seems like it suits you well.
  3. E

    Welcoming Myself

    I thank you for not making me bring beer. Saves me a trip or two.
  4. E

    Welcoming Myself

    I do not think I fizzled away.
  5. E

    important question about IP addresses... crucial to an argument we need to win!

    People using cable internet are liable to the IP address changing. It is as simple as that. The downfall of this is- if someone blocks your IP address, and someone else gets assigned that IP address... well that would suck for person number 2 if they went to the same site/whatever. In short...
  6. E

    so, we went bowling, and...

    That is cute. Jack off Jill, right?
  7. E

    Welcoming Myself

    maybe it was translated to Wheeeepul (a noise) goes the people. Nice little ryhme.
  8. E

    Welcoming Myself

    Wow. There are alot of people here.
  9. E

    Welcoming Myself

    Haha. No one knows me, therefor I figured no thread would be started. Hi to you all. No I will not start spouting of the band's lyrics.
  10. E

    Welcoming Myself

    Hello. I am Evanescence. Not to be confused with the group. Evanescence: To dissipate or disappear like vapor. I am 18. That little bit of information, in and of itself, is more than you will ever want to know about me.
  11. E

    Sheet Music help.

    The song that Kittie is referring to is a song that was not meant to be released, therefor it is not on any album. It is a strict piano song, no other instruments other than. However, finding this piece will prove quite a challenge.