A hunting we will go...


Southern Discomfort
Black bears are by and large harmless, solitary creatures. They have one major weakness. Human food. They love the stuff. Once they get a taste for it, they abandon their habitat and scavenge through garbage cans and whatnot. Should the foraging become slim, since they're already near human population, they get a tad aggressive sometimes. It's a huge problem near the Great Smoky Mountains park, with the chalet/cabin/condo business encroaching on what has always been their territory.

We have black bears here. Some folks feed them, as they like having them nearby. This is a diservice to the bear. Responsible hunting is necessary to keep them from overpopulating, thus running out of food and leaving their native habitats.

The ideal solution would be for us as humans to stay the hell out of their habitat...the mountain tops. We won't. Hence, we fired the first shot in this conflict. If left alone, black bears would seldom if ever pose a threat to anyone. Since we won't stay away from them, and instead choose to entice them into our backyards, we see bears sometimes. Then we see more bears coming after our garbage cans. Then someone thinks it'd be cute to have a picture of a bear eating from their kid's hand, so they slather a toddler's arm with peanut butter (this really happened...I am not making this up). Then they act surprised when the cute little bear takes the kid's arm off at the elbow.

As we threaten their domain, they will be more visible in "ours". One solution is to hunt them. Since we cannot seem to respect the other solution, it's gonna happen.


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
You're kidding, right? What were they thinking? Those claws and teeth were only for nuts and berries?

Antway...back to the New Jersey protesters...I'll bet not one has ever seen a live bear outside of a zoo. Any takers?