...and deeper


molṑn labé
Staff member
Won't this stir the honey pot

Eighty-one percent of sex crimes committed against children by Roman Catholic priests during the past 52 years were homosexual men preying on boys, according to a comprehensive study released yesterday on the church's sex abuse crisis.

Washington Times

Ms Ann Thrope

New Member
that percentage is as meaningful to me as stating that 81% had brown eyes, or 77% were overweight, or 90% had brown hair....


New Member
and that 81% is based on that the case sights the priests in question constitue only 4-6% of the entire priesthood. (I forget the exact number, NPR was talkign about it the other day on the radio)


molṑn labé
Staff member
So, a small mostly gay minority has ruined it for all mostly non-gay priests.

I should get a job writing headlines


New Member
1 - If it's a sex crime against a child, it's pedophilia, irregardless of the sex of the child. A man raping a child is no more a homosexual act than a man raping a woman is a heterosexual act.

2 - Most pedophiles are men. All priests are men. Historically, priests taught the boys and nuns taught the girls in Catholic schools. Girls did not have any active roles in church processes that would put them in personal and private contact with priests. As a result, the pedophile would abuse boys, not girls. Girls have become more active in the church in recent times, allowing the pedophile easier access to them, hence the cases of abuse against girls. Ergo, it is not a homosexual act, it is deviant sexual behavior against a minor victim that the pedophile has access to.

3 - I repeat, a man raping a child is no more a homosexual act than a man raping a woman is a heterosexual act.


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
Camelyn said:
1 - If it's a sex crime against a child, it's pedophilia, irregardless of the sex of the child. A man raping a child is no more a homosexual act than a man raping a woman is a heterosexual act.

2 - Most pedophiles are men. All priests are men. Historically, priests taught the boys and nuns taught the girls in Catholic schools. Girls did not have any active roles in church processes that would put them in personal and private contact with priests. As a result, the pedophile would abuse boys, not girls. Girls have become more active in the church in recent times, allowing the pedophile easier access to them, hence the cases of abuse against girls. Ergo, it is not a homosexual act, it is deviant sexual behavior against a minor victim that the pedophile has access to.

3 - I repeat, a man raping a child is no more a homosexual act than a man raping a woman is a heterosexual act.

Glad you mentioned that last one. Most women feel that rape is a women's issue only, and it isn't.


New Member
For years the Catholic Church encouraged homosexuals to become a holy man (priest, monk, nun, etc.). Why? Because the Church teaches that homosexuality is not a choosen condition; that people with homosexual desires are called to chastity since a homosexual relationship cannot produce a child (sex is only allowed within marriage, the purpose of sex is to produce children). Homosexuality is a test from God and the homosexual is to supress the urges and live a chaste (sp?) life.

Priests, nuns, monks, cardinals, bishops, are all called to chastity. The "perfect place" for a homosexual is in a vocation, right?




Well-Known Member
Gato_Solo said:
Glad you mentioned that last one. Most women feel that rape is a women's issue only, and it isn't.

- I repeat, a man raping a child is no more a homosexual act than a man raping a woman is a heterosexual act.

I think...I may be wrong..that she's aluding to the fact that RAPE is not a sexual act per se, but an act of violence and the application of control of one person over another.

She is calling paedophilia NOT a homosexual act
She is calling Rape NOT a heterosexual/homosexual act.


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
MrBishop said:
- I repeat, a man raping a child is no more a homosexual act than a man raping a woman is a heterosexual act.

I think...I may be wrong..that she's aluding to the fact that RAPE is not a sexual act per se, but an act of violence and the application of control of one person over another.

She is calling paedophilia NOT a homosexual act
She is calling Rape NOT a heterosexual/homosexual act.

I know, Bish. I know.


Actually...In the case of pedophilia, I think the majority are coersions that are sexual in nature and motivation. They are not the physical violent act of adult rape....


Well-Known Member
Gato_Solo said:
I know, Bish. I know.

Just seems that you were going on a tangeant there. This is OTC and I wanted this thread to follow its path for a bit longer before it got inevitably derailed.

Glad you mentioned that last one. Most women feel that rape is a women's issue only, and it isn't.

I was half expecting you to ... ah nevermind. Rape is a men's, women's and children's issue.Some women claim ownership as if they are the only victims of rape. That just isn't the case. Men and Women can be assaulters and men and women can be victims.


Well-Known Member
Squiggy said:
Sorry, Bish...:blush: I promise not to mention manboobs and males breastfeeding...

ya should've kept those for any number of gay threads that are popping up. That kind of statement would either completely derail the thread...or the people on it :)