Broken avatar? Read here BEFORE posting.

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Staff member
If you ran through the avatar setup and you're still not seeing your avatar, go through this check list before making a post asking for help.

1) Allowed extensions are .jpg .gif and .png - to check what the file extension is in Windows, right click on it and select Properties. (any Mac users want to volunteer to explain how to find a file extension?)

Additionally, they MUST be lowercase and they must be the ONLY extension on the file. e.g. filename.jpg.gif will not work, will not work, and begging me will not work either, I'm not going to sift through the code to fix something that can easily be worked around. (what the hell would make you want to have a crapload of extensions on an image anyway?)

2) Avatar size limits are 150 pixels long (left and right) and 150 pixels high (up and down), and 24000 bytes. If your image falls under the dimension limits, but it is bigger than 24000 bytes, try saving it under a different format. .gif's are often larger than .jpg's if your avatar is, for example, a photo of something or someone. Choose .jpg if it is a photo, .gif if it is an animated image, or .png otherwise.

3) Try uploading it as an image to a test post. If that fails, you've probably got something blocking you from uploading files in your computer to the server.

If you've checked off all 3, then you can post about it here.
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