'Cheeseburger bill' puts bite on lawsuits


New Member

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill Wednesday that would block lawsuits by people who blame fast-food chains for their obesity.

The "cheeseburger bill," as it has been dubbed in Congress, stems from class-action litigation that accused McDonald's of causing obesity in children.

The legislation's backers say matters of personal responsibility don't belong in the courts.

Since when???

Lewis Black said:
You mean, eating fat, fried in fat, will make me fat?


molṑn labé
Staff member
A sad day when we need legislation to aviod unneccessary legislation & litigation.

Uki Chick

New Member
I think it's a smart thing to do. It will prevent these people from wasting the courts time and the taxpayers money.


New Member
Actually, It works in the opposite. The lawsuits will still continue... its just that now there will be a new layer of lawsuits challenging the validity of the law ... and so on.. and so forth.


Too cute for words
rrfield said:
It's a sad day when we have to legislate common sense.

Once again, no such thing. If it were actually common, there'd be more of it. :D