Crime prevention...


Well-Known Member
the police to have no constitutional obligation to protect individuals from private individuals.

grounds for a lawsuit against the police, a precedent that local officials feared would flood them with expensive litigation.

Oddly enough the court ruled correctly in this case.

But you can bet yer sweet ass, if she'd blasted the guy
in defense of her children she'd be up on charges!

A third position cries out: Given the court's position that the police are not obliged to protect us, responsible adults need the ability to defend themselves. Thus, no law or policy should impede the access to gun ownership.

Responsible adults — both male and female — have both a right and a need to defend themselves and their families, with lethal force if necessary.

Would the same police who believed Simon Gonzales was not dangerous have believed Jessica to be justified in picking up a gun to protect her children from him? Would the police have charged her for use of a weapon?

Yeah but her tots would still be alive.

The moral of the story.

Yer on yer own and the fuzz ain't yer freind!

I've always said that cops are necessary.
But you will always lose in any encounter with them.
Call em' cuz someone stole yer stuff they'll take a report.
Get pulled over, the least you can expect is to lose time,
worst get a ticket.
If you’re a minority prolly a good beat down too! heh

Life sucks then you Die!