does anyone remember ..


Well-Known Member
St. Joseph's aspirin for children?

I loved that stuff ... the way it just melted in your mouth ...

"mom .. *cough* *cough* .. I think .. I have .. a fever *enter pathetic look here*"



New Member
I was a Flintstone kid ... ten million strong and growing :D

Yuck, I hated all medicines when I was a kid.


Well-Known Member
I can't believe I'm the only one that remembers ...

Rob! HomeLAN! ... come on y'all .. I know you guys know what I'm talking about ... those aspirin were so great .. they melted in your mouth like fine sugar .. and I'm sure that's pretty much all they were *L*

Stop Laughing

New Member
I've never had them, but I do know we have them at Walgreens, I think, it's St. Joseph's some kind of medicine. They're on sale all next month, I believe.


molṑn labé
Staff member
You're not imagining things nalani. I recall them, in fact I think I ODed on them as a kid & had to get my stomach pumped (too young to recall)


New Member
I only got those at school. At home, Mom mixed a regular aspirin into apple sauce. Made it taste like shit. To this day, I don't like apple sauce.


New Member
I had them as well. I went to adult aspirin by the age of three. I was a big kid and needed the full strength juice.


New Member
no shit the only way to get rid of that headache is to dust up some tylonal4's in a grinder box and snort the T4 dust, helps to have a few beers on hand, tried it withe st. joes but simply could not acheive the same effect