"Don't worry ma'am..."


Too cute for words


Well-Known Member
why do i find that picture more disturbing than the one with the guy wearing a wal-mart bag?

Stop Laughing

New Member
here, smell these

*tosses BoP an old pair of underwear*

does that help, or make it worse?

Even more disturbing, that guy looks a lot like someone I occasionally work with. Worse, he's the kind of guy who WOULD wear that. :eek:


New Member
how can you be from the internet? this makes about as much sense as yankees saying "i'm going to mardi gras".


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
tonksy said:
how can you be from the internet? this makes about as much sense as yankees saying "i'm going to mardi gras".

Hey! I went to 'Fat Tuesday'. *handonhip Considering how much money we "Yankees" spend there, you should be happy we show up. :p

SnP...before you chime in...Bite me. :D


New Member
gato? you went to new orleans FOR mardi gras...mardi gras (or fat tuesday) is a holiday.


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
Same, same, tonksy. I don't make fun of the way you talk, do I? :p

Besides...it's not just a holiday...it's an adventure unto itself...hence to Mardi Gras, not for Mardi Gras...;)


Well-Known Member
Cripes... Tron!

I thought that we'd walked away from that eons ago...

Geeks have long memories (if nothing else) :D


molṑn labé
Staff member
tonksy said:
gato? you went to new orleans FOR mardi gras...mardi gras (or fat tuesday) is a holiday.

You don't have Christmas at your moms? Thanksgiving at Uncle Henrys? Many people I know go to Mardi Gras since, like Google, it's a noun that's been verbed.


New Member
but you don't say "i'm going to christmas"! you say "i'm going to aunt petunia's for christmas" :p


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
tonksy said:
but you don't say "i'm going to christmas"! you say "i'm going to aunt petunia's for christmas" :p

Sorry...Mardi Gras is the worlds biggest party. When I went...I most definitely went to party...hence, I went to Mardi Gras. :grinyes:


molṑn labé
Staff member
tonksy said:
but you don't say "i'm going to christmas"! you say "i'm going to aunt petunia's for christmas" :p

As soon as atheists take over & limit X-mas, then "I'm going to Christmas" may becoem fashionable :D