*feeling inspired*


Staff member
this was another reminder for me in the crux of one of my low points that things could always be so much worse...and that people can strive through situations much more difficult than I could ever imagine. Just wanted to share in case this gentleman provides a little bit of inspiration for someone else :)

The provision of free primary schooling in Kenya has been widely welcomed as a success since it was introduced last year by the newly-elected government. The policy has had some unexpected consequences though - not least, the enrolment of the country's oldest schoolboy.

Wearing a faded blue blazer, shorts and long socks, Kimani Nganga Maruge walks to school with his classmates dressed much like any other new boy - except that he also carries a walking stick and happens to be 84 years old.
Two of his 30 grandchildren attend the same school in the western town of Eldoret, but they are in more senior grades. Mr Maruge says he decided to enrol when he heard that the new government was providing free primary education. He had hoped to go to school before, but had never had the opportunity.
*colour me impressed...I'm sure this took a lot of gumption*



New Member
That is pretty cool. A lesson to us all, not to take our education for granted. :)

I'm reminded of that movie... Forget who was in it... It was about a boy who had that premature aging disease and by the time he graduated high school, he was basically at the end of his life. It was really quaint.

My mother isn't that old of course but she and I were going to the same college at the same time years ago. She never finished high school when she was a kid and decided to go back, get her GED, and take college courses. We had some of the same teachers and she was an excellent student, I had a lot to live up to. :)