Forza Motorsports


Well-Known Member
been playing this the past couple of days and i have to say, it is sooo much more fun than GT4.
not as many cars. not as many tracks. you dont feel the road conditions like in GT4. nor is the car greatly affected by the road conditions either.
the graphics are just as good as GT4 if not better. the sound in GT4 is much better.
in career mode, you level up like an RPG game. it unlocks cars and discounts on upgrades.
the things i like best about this game are:
you dont have to spend a fortune in upgrades to win races.
your cars can take damage and it can affect the handling.
you can turn traction control, ABS and stability controls on/off.
the AI cars are much more competitive. they will bump you off the road.
just like real races, you get into the gravel, your going into the wall.
there is an option to highlight the best racing line. goes from green to yellow to red depending on how much braking is required.
if you are lazy, you can train a "driveatar". basically show the game how you drive, and it will run the races for you.

the best part is no annoying licenses to obtain.
if you like racing games, i think you'll like this one.