Fury grab your computers and run

Luis G

Staff member
5.0 is nothing to worry about.....unless of course that this quake began a series of more powerful ones.


New Member
We almost never get earthquakes up here in Canada. What's up with that? :D

I think we had one last year or so. It was centered in northern B.C. and I am in northern Alberta, so I felt it, barely. I was sitting at my computer and the desk starting moving... I was like, is there something wrong with that damn washing machine again?? (it's upstairs and shakes a lot sometimes) :laugh:

I felt it somewhat, and it was so cool. I wish we'd get more. :lol:

I think it was something like a 3.0-5.0 at the center, so it was probably about 1.0 when it got to me. :D


Staff member
I felt a little jolt today, but Greenwood is too far away from southern Indiana to have been affected. It was probably just the vibration from the compressor in my A/C starting. When that thing fires up, it sure feels like an earthquake