Happy Birthday SexyBoo!


Well-Known Member
An old man limped into the doctor's office and said, "Doctor, my knee hurts so bad, I can hardly walk!"

The doctor slowly eyed him from head to toe, paused and then said, "Sir, how old are you?"

"I'm 98," the man announced proudly.

The doctor just sighed, and looked at him again. Finally he said, "Sir, I'm sorry. I mean, just look at you. You are almost one hundred years old, and you're complaining that your knee hurts? Well, what did you expect?"

The old man said, "Well, my other knee is 98 years old too, and it doesn't hurt!"


New Member
She is going through some VERY rough times right now. Hasnt been here in a long time...neither of us has really.

If i have any say about it...she will be back to her old self in 2007.....


Well-Known Member
Thanks Guys!

I'm sorry I've not been around much...just separated from the hubby and it is a bit rough.

Hopefully I'll find more time to hang out here in the next few weeks (fingers crossed).

Love ya!!!
