Holiday cards!!!


New Member
I LOVE getting hoilday cards with pictures of families. And I've gotten three in one week! These are all going up at work:

The first to arrive, from Hawaii even! Would you look at this beautiful baby girl??
Next up! I don't know what my sister was thinking, sending this picture out on a card. My Godson Jack (remember, the thing on his face? He had it removed last week, it was just a cyst) just obviously finished crying. Although Ryan looks cute. :D
Last one I'll probably get... My other sister's kids. I laughed my ass off when I saw the face my nephew Anthony was making.
I've only gotten one card so far. It was from Brandi, of soon-to-be-ex-wife fame. I hope she doesn't expect one in return.
:blush: you can tell i was always a music fan....

but i think you're baby is cuter, kuu....almost as cute as my own...
tonks said:
but i think you're baby is cuter, kuu....almost as cute as my own...

i'll take that compliment ... though i don't know how cute she will be when she starts her "terrible twos" :D
We get tons of these every year. Leah sends out about thirty hand made cards every christmas to all our friends and family. I've watched her and it takes a lot of time and effort. I just don't have that kind of patience. People really seem to appreciate the thought though becuase we always get lots of stuff back. :D
I got alot of cards this year-they started early-I've been slacking on giving them out,as soon as one comes in I just send theirs out. Even got one from a GF I had since I was 4yrs old this year and havent spoken to her in years-I was shocked....