If you can call for an ambulance, we won't send one


Well-Known Member
It seems that if you are able to speak well enough to call an ambulance in Sweden you will be deemed as not requiring one.

Ya can't make this shit up.


Woman died after being denied ambulance because she was 'still talking'

Published March 28, 2012


Swedish health authorities have come under criticism over the death of a woman whose repeated calls to emergency services were ignored because she was still able to talk.

Jill Soderberg, 22, died in her home in the town of Timra, 241 miles (389km) north of Stockholm, on January 20, 2011, shortly after she had placed her third and last call to SOS Alarm emergency services requesting an ambulance, news website The Local reported Tuesday.

However, every time she rang, as per procedure, operators connected her to Vasternorrland County nurses who deemed that she was not sufficiently ill for an ambulance because she could still speak.

"I can't breathe," Soderberg, who was suffering chest pains, told operators, according to transcripts of the calls. "I want you to come and help me."

"The operator considered her to still be communicating verbally and decided that she didn't need an ambulance," Jill Soderberg's mother, Annika Soderberg, said.

The elder Soderberg said she had asked SOS Alarm to explain the logic behind refusing someone an ambulance on the basis that they were speaking.

"How could you even call for an ambulance in the first place?" she said, adding, "No one could answer that one."

Annika Soderberg filed a complaint with Sweden's National Board of Health and Welfare which concluded its investigation last week.

"In the call it shows that she was gasping for air, had slurred speech and chest pains. That's a strong indication that an ambulance should have been sent in the first instance," board member and report co-author Andrea Blomer told the national TT news agency.

While the report slammed Vasternorrland County authorities, it did not find fault with SOS Alarm because its operators are required to contact local health experts if they are unsure about what action to take.

An autopsy report found that Soderberg died from breathing difficulties caused by anxiety medication and muscle relaxers.

Click here to read more from The Local.


molṑn labé
Staff member
Sarah Palin said:
The Democrats promise that a government health care system will reduce the cost of health care, but as the economist Thomas Sowell has pointed out, government health care will not reduce the cost; it will simply refuse to pay the cost. And who will suffer the most when they ration care? The sick, the elderly, and the disabled, of course. The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama’s “death panel” so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their “level of productivity in society,” whether they are worthy of health care. Such a system is downright evil.

dumb bimbo


sarah palin's bullshit moralizing and and an individual's serious error in sweden have nothing to do with one another.

or do they???

limiting care based on productivity? hmmm wonder which mechanism for health care would make that more prevalent...?

oh, wait, that is the system that already exists. that's why i have great heath care while many others will chug off the gov't disability teat. now if we could just cut off the chaff, we'd have a great system.


molṑn labé
Staff member
Chaff = medicare....ok

Do you really read that much wiki? Hardly a bastion of truth & reason


Well-Known Member
sarah palin's bullshit moralizing and and an individual's serious error in sweden have nothing to do with one another.

An individual's serious error? She was the death panel. She made a decision on whether she believed the person's need was great enough to act. She decided that the person's need was not great enough so she denied the care which was paramount to the survival of the person.

Now, take that times fifteen.

Welcome to Amerika 2014.


jim - perhaps we should simpy ban all administrative decisions, everywhere. yes, i am sure that there have been instances where police decisions have caused accidents and lives. so we should ban police. maybe you should encourage trayvon's family to sue the 911 operator who did not tell zimmerman strongly enough not to pursue.

gonz - great example of an ad hom fallacy. you even made the cockroaches laugh.


Well-Known Member
Trayvon wears his war wound like a crown

in a life or death situation I know I'd ignore some fat slob
nine one one operator Hmmm come to think of it I'd not
be on the phone to one in the first place.

So is this poor lil Hispanic with the non-hispanic
sounding name going to end up being railroaded like the
cops in the Rodney King fiasco?


it's gonna be easy to railroad him considering the CCTV from the police station shows him apparently uninjured. that tends to undermine his claims and suggest collusion on the part of police. cuz the trayvonites are as krazy about konspiracy as you guys are.


molṑn labé
Staff member
I guess the medics have never cleaned up a guy when looking at their wounds.

Smells like fish around here


Well-Known Member
Re: Trayvon wears his war wound like a crown

So is this poor lil Hispanic with the non-hispanic
sounding name going to end up being railroaded like the
cops in the Rodney King fiasco?

Make that the Hispanic with the Jewish sounding name. Is it any wonder that the New Black Panther Party hates him?


I guess the medics have never cleaned up a guy when looking at their wounds.

Smells like fish around here

suggest you try bathing then. or avoid oral sex. :evilgrin:

you must mean by fishy that there is some kind of evil liberal media scheme to make the zimmerman look bad?

i've seen broken noses, post clean-up. the CCTV footage does not look like a broken nose. have you seen the footage? bitches gonna milk that for all it's worth.


molṑn labé
Staff member
There have been over 20 black on black shootings, just in Chicago, since this story began. Where's the outrage? Why isn't Sharpton calling for an escalation of violence in Cabrini-Green? Where's Jesse Jackson, either of them, looking to hunt down those killers? Well, this is the city that actually elected Bobby Rush, so maybe they all think that murder is justified for a pair of Nikes.

I didn't suggest the press was responsible for the feigned outrage. But when it takes three weeks to get started, that sounds like a seed was planted, by someone, somewhere, and allowed to germinate.


Well-Known Member
I'd take it a step further
Blacks are only like 13% of the population
they are committing violent crimes against non-blacks
at a far higher percentage than any other race.

The Trayvon killing should be lauded as a public service!

The black leaders should be using this as an example
to other youths as what not to do!



There have been over 20 black on black shootings, just in Chicago, since this story began. Where's the outrage? Why isn't Sharpton calling for an escalation of violence in Cabrini-Green? Where's Jesse Jackson, either of them, looking to hunt down those killers? Well, this is the city that actually elected Bobby Rush, so maybe they all think that murder is justified for a pair of Nikes.

because cabrini green was shut down and demolished, perhaps?

the way i see this incident is we have one dipshit and one asshole facing off. which is which is uncertain but one is dead and the other may be taken off the streets. sounds like a win-win to me.


Well-Known Member
just as long as I get to stick my wing-wang in her hoo-hah
I don't care what happens to them guys


Well-Known Member

Speaking of which:


NBC probes selective editing of Zimmerman 911 tape

by: Erica Ritz
Saturday, March 31, 2012

NBC has revealed that it is launching an internal investigation into the “editing process” surrounding the conversation between George Zimmerman and a police dispatcher (shortly before Trayvon Martin was shot), where Zimmerman appears to volunteer racial information.

Exposed by Fox News and Newsbusters, NBC played the conversation on the “Today Show” as: “This guy looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black.”

The unabridged version is:

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. Or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about.

Dispatcher: OK, and this guy — is he black, white or Hispanic?

Zimmerman: He looks black.

There is also an accompanying video discussion.