Imitation not the best form of flattery


Southern Discomfort

A group of Florida college softball players who dressed us like their friends on the school's basketball team for Halloween will be forced to undergo diversity indoctrination classes because some of them painted their faces black for the stunt, reports the News-Journal.

Members of the Stetson University softball team wore basketball jerseys, painted their skin black and flashed "gangsta" poses in pictures that ended up on the Internet. Each member of the team was dressing like a specific player on the basketball team.

The basketball players being charicatured were tickled about the stunt and even lent the softball players their jerseys for the pictures. "The players felt that the (softball players') intentions were not offensive," said one of the coaches. "Rather, they were elated that people thought enough of them to try to be like them."

But school officials were aghast, calling the pictures offensive, objectionable and sad. Both squads will be required to meet with the Diversity Committee, watch a documentary that addresses blackface and read the book "White Like Me" by Tim Wise.


Hell, I'm just happy they're making college kids read something for a change.