Is there a plumber in the house?

Stop Laughing

New Member
I surrender. My bathtub needs help, it will drain out, but not until March is over unless I bail it out (like I've been doing for too long now). Regular drain cleaners don't do shit, and I've even tried putting a wire coat hanger down there and haven't really found anything. Anyone else have any suggestions before calling a plumber? I have done some searching and found a product called Bio Clean that may work, but I'm still skeptical and that stuff isn't too cheap and I don't want to buy it if I'm not that sure it'll help.
I hear that using drain cleaners consistantly over time cause corrosion of the pipes. My problem was always my hair--long and strong, it clogs the sinks, tub, vaccuum cleaner... I had my landlord get in there with plumber's snake to get all the built up gunk out.
You may have a constriction issue in general at the high part of the drain throat. Soap, dirt, hard-ish water, and whatnot all coalesce into a calcium like deposit that tends to constrict and choke down a pipe throat akin to a clogged artery. Get a flathead screwdriver and dig a little at the side of your pipes for that first few inches and see if anything comes up. Also, Have you run a drain snake for a deep clog? One time my roomates tub was choked because a washrag got down and in about 12 feet.