Phew. Sorry, you hadn't posted for ten minutes and I thought you might have snuffed it. :eek:

Glad to see you're ok. :)

Damn dude, you got nearly 700 posts already. People are gonna think London is a real shit city with nothing to do. :D

I'll go to bed if you will. I dare ya...on the count of three, ready....1...2...3...

Heh, I did some genuine pubbing myself. Do you have to actually be able to walk back home for it to count though? If so, I may have invalidated a few of them.

No pubbing in London though, just Bristol.
If you remember how you got home then it's usually a pretty poor effort. :D

I spend days trying to find out what the fuck I did some nights. Scary... :eek:

No, I don't. :(

I do know I managed to make it to the front steps of Briston Uni cause the sun was coming up and I thought class was about to start... I realised the damn sun came up at about 5:00 am there after sitting on the steps for an hour or two. :grumpy:
heh, I just remembered what happened to one of my friends that was on that trip with us.

He stumbled back to his surrogate families house, and couldn't find the door lock to open the door. He forgot about those damn British doors with the knob and stuff in the middle instead of on the edge.

He slept in the front yard.

oli, how long were you in brizzol for? my missus is from there and we go fairly regularly to see her family and mates and that.
Originally posted by Justintime
u walked around 4am in the morning in the nude covered in butter, remember? :D

Oh shit! Did I mention that on HWC?! Damn. Fucking scary sometimes when the Auto-Complete box pops down and I see what's been entered before. :eek:

HEY, I HAD TROUSERS ON!!! :headbang:

Apparently on Friday night I was doing human beatbox in the corridor and woke about 10 people up at 5am in the morning. Heehee... :D
