
scotts daughter wanted him to get these for his grandson this year for xmas,so we did, one set thus far 800 pcs., he is 4 yrs old, tiny little shit too. personally i wouldn't have gotten them. I can see her stepping on them in the middle of the night, OUCH. Plus, those buggers cost alot of $$$ now adays.
I'd stick to the age recommendations.

Legos have always been expensive. Back in the early '80s, I wanted a castle set that was $40. I don't know how to adjust for inflation, but I'm sure that's probably pretty similar to today's high-end Lego sets that go for $100.

Legos have changed, and I'm not sure if its for the better (or not). That castle set I mentioned was made entirely out of actual Lego bricks. You would have to build up the walls row by row of bricks. Modern sets (and going back for years) now have large panels with windows and doors and whatnot. It makes it easier and faster to build the intended project, but take it apart and you have a bunch of special pieces you can't do much else with. With the old-school way, you'd have a bunch of little brick pieces that you could either build into the intended project, or you could build into whatever your imagination could conceive. These new-fangled Lego sets stifle creativity.