LOL, Democat Cites


yeah, except that i disagree with most of what they stand for. if your head wasn't lodged in yer bum, you might understand that.


Well-Known Member
I have noticed at times you put forward thoughts that can be in the general right direction. But its more noteworthy that very often you speak like a true believer of the through slop they feed their loyal subjects.

Either way, you would make a great stump, its not a bad gig. Hookers and blow ontop of all the government perks.


could i get midget-sized vietnamese prostitutes dressed as milkmaids? they would have to be of the proportional variety, not the 'giant head' midget types. and no distended buttholes, please. eeew.


Well-Known Member
oh hell yea! you can 'prolly even do it mile-high on a custom air force, of course you'll have to call it an international fact finding junket.


sweet. well, at least it will be fun getting herpes. yes i kinda do feel like going on a hunter thompson-style international fact finding junket.