My kind of website *cheeky grin*

they look like tumors..... and have compleatly lost there sexual appeal. (to me anyway):anon:
your not alone its sexy when they look natrual to me and those look like they will break anytime soon
*hollers back to the townsfolk in the valley

Flee! ... Shes gonna blow! Get to high ground! I think one of them is leaking.
How do they ever get clothes? They must get everything tailor made... I mean, they have these gigantic bazonkas and then these tiny waists. Finding a T-shirt that fits must be like trying to find a fart in a jacuzzi. :dizzy:
thsirts are easy. Thats usually just knotting off the mass at the middle and showing a little belly button. Anyone at the top of the stripping game also tend to be full flegged seamstresses to save tons of cash. They pretty much make all of their own clothes. If they are really good, they make it for their friends as well.
Scanty said:
How do they ever get clothes? They must get everything tailor made... I mean, they have these gigantic bazonkas and then these tiny waists. Finding a T-shirt that fits must be like trying to find a fart in a jacuzzi. :dizzy:

It's okay, Scanty.... I like small breasts. Some of my best friends have small breasts. :)
Well...the original site is gone now, and has been replaced with a list of porn sites...

And unc? You never did get me Minka's address and phone number, but it's okay now. My wife is perkier. ;)