No, not really.


New Member
I was watching the gymnastics last night, and the announcers were discussing the officiating goof on Hamm's medal award. One of these goombahs (research shows that it has to be Al Trautwig) says "It's like a bad call in football. You hope it doesn't affect the final outcome of the game, but it can."

Well, no Al, not really. In football, you have 22 players and maybe 6-7 officials. In gymnastics, you have maybe 6-7 officials and one player. The rules are completely different as well. There is no "difficulty rating" in football. Gymanstics is usually done in an indoor gym, while football is usually set in an outdoor stadium (sometimes an indoor arena). In fact, there are no real similarities to speak of.

So, WTF, Al, are you so over your head here that you're grasping for any analogy at all that'll lead back to the sports you're used to and know how to call?

I swear to God, I hate these idiotic fucks.
well...that's what you get with an non-scripted dialog...i suppose he meant that if you miss something minute and rate a performance at a certain level that it can be just as detrimental as a bad call in football. it can swing the game...but it can also be of no consequence depending on the perfomance of the other team/competitors. :shrug:
Y'know, as every year passes by, it seems that the announcers are gettin' more and more stoopid. The other day I was watching the basketball game against spain (and nz), and I heard the announcer say, "And spain normally wears red (they were in white I think)but they're not in red today. *random nz player* should be red... because he's on fire." Aaaarrrggghhh! Fucking shut up if you haven't got anything intelligent to say! :grumpy:
You know...Crybaby Hamm could just give the medal over voluntarily and be done with it. He may have had a good set, but, it seems everybidy knows he didn't deserve the gold but Hamm. He really upsets me. Just another product of the "Me, me, me' generation.