now this is weird. officially-approved child names.


Well-Known Member
They would go apoplectic over Moon Unit, Dweezil, Ahmet Emuukha Rodan, and Diva Thin Muffin Pigeen.


molṑn labé
Staff member
I'd trust the church before I trusted government to do what is best


molṑn labé
Staff member
I have no faith. But given their record, the church is the better bet


yes. torturing people into confession, conversion under threat of death for the local hebrews, institutional pedophilia... the list goes on. yes, a great record indeed.


would you like to compare the value of dollars in 1920 vs. now?

the inquisition - a thorough house-to-house affair - would have killed many more had they the same technology as the nazis.

stalin killed many more than genghis khan, but that's just a matter of the relative sizes of 'the world' at different times rather than the level of brutality.

but government is always bad, right. guess it was bad during jefferson's time too huh? er oh no growing government was great under reagan. but horrible under klinton. right.



molṑn labé
Staff member
Yes, government is a neccessary evil. Jefferson knew this, that's why he & Madison & the others specifically wrote the Constitution to make the federal government limited in scope & power. "A charter of negeative liberties" is how the last guy you voted for put it.


"A charter of negeative (sic) liberties"

... is accurate. he was making a technical critique of the constitution.

what do you think that phrase means gonz? "congress shall make no law..." that is a negative phrasing. you just thought he meant "the constitution is BAD?" yeh that obama is a doodie dum dum liberal for sure.

so hey i googled the phrase and this is what i got...

"What Obama will do in office is hiding in plain sight folks. He HATES this country, he HATES white people, he dislikes biblical Christians, he wants to redistribute wealth, he wants a militarized civilian defense force, his pals want to establish re-education camps and then eliminate 25 million Americans whom they say cannot be “re-educated”.

Obama is a false messiah, a Marxist anti-christ that should frighten any liberty loving American to his core."

brilliant. yes obama is an anti-christ that hates white people. example number 847,312 of the right wing monkey tank making itself look so bloody infantile and stupid stupid that there's no possibility of mounting an effective critique of obama. keep shooting yourself in the foot, sparky. you will succeed in getting your marxist honkey and 'merica-hating antichrist reelected.


Well-Known Member
"there's no possibility of mounting an effective critique of obama"

nope he's the magic Negro fer sure


well, there's plenty of possibility if the critique comes from someone who is not a tribalist baboon.


molṑn labé
Staff member
Wow minx. Another beautiful insight.

The fact that he doesn't understand the entire purpose is negative liberties (look, no typo this time) went right over your head.


that's ridiculous. of course obama understands that to be the purpose. and he correctly views it as less than optimal for a modern economy.

the article i mentioned even effectively says this.

"It is not possible for the One, the messiah Barrack The Hussein Obama to take the Oath of office when he has made it clear he thinks the Constitution is as flawed and bogus as he does."

he doesn't understand the purpose??? right. dummy dum dum dum liberal. right back to where you started.