OTCmail error


Well-Known Member
Tried to login to my OTCmail and got this error:

Warning: session_start(): The session id contains invalid characters, valid characters are only a-z, A-Z and 0-9 in /home/otc/public_html/mail/includes/sessions.php on line 32

Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /home/otc/public_html/mail/includes/sessions.php:32) in /home/otc/public_html/mail/includes/sessions.php on line 32

Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/otc/public_html/mail/includes/sessions.php:32) in /home/otc/public_html/mail/includes/sessions.php on line 32

What gives?
Don't have any grandmothers left.

*Meeeeeee* You lose.

You really suck at this game. No wonder the email server hates you.
Professur said:
Don't have any grandmothers left.

*Meeeeeee* You lose.

You really suck at this game. No wonder the email server hates you.

Wasn't playing a game...just trying to get my otcmail fixed. Could've sworn that was what Town Hall was for?

So....he asks again...what gives?
Works fine for me

I am gonna have to go with Prof on this one and say that it just doesn't like you

[whispers to Prof]We's gonna get ourselves fired...[/whispers to Prof]
I had problems with it a while back, but samcurry fixed it. Was getting the same message you're getting Bish, or it would tell me that I wasn't registered. :confuse3:
Mine works. Although, I was hoping to get one of those error messages to see what all the hubbub was about.... bub.
[random thought]maybe the whole bad spelling thing is really a bad keyboard thing...maybe men should have wider keyboard keys since their fingers are wider[/random thought]
BeardofPants said:
Yeah, or we could just hook 'em up to a battery, and zap 'em whenever they spell something wrong. :retard:

Oh shit, that's me fucked then....

It's not our fault!! Some fool put all these lil' itty bitty keys right next to each other! :eek: