Press conference on conclusions of Maricopa County investigation


Well-Known Member
The Maricopa County Sheriff's Department did a six month investigation on the documents presented by the White House as being President Obama's birth certificate. They disassembled the document and compared it against control documents that they created for this investigation.

While coming to no conclusion as to the president's eligibility, or where he was born, they did conclude that the documents, as presented by the White House, are forgeries.

The link to the video of the press conference in which the results of that investigation were released is below. All members of the press corps were invited to attend and all segments, pro and con, left or right, were there.


Make up your own mind.


Well-Known Member
I guess even Pravda has noticed the silence on this issue. They take Obama to task, even taunting his press secretary's response as "a mocking, Saul Alinsky like, retort."

It can't be a good sign when the most left leaning people on the face of the planet start disparaging one of their own.


Arizona sheriff finds Obama presidential qualifications forged

A singularly remarkable event has taken place in the United States of America. This event occurred in Arizona on March 1st and was an earth shattering revelation.

A long awaited press conference was given by Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, a five time elected Sheriff, which should have made national and international headlines. Arpaio's credentials include serving in the United States Army from 1950 to 1953, service as a federal narcotics agent serving in countries all over the world with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), and served as the head of the Arizona DEA. Without doubt, this is a serious Law Enforcement Officer, not one to be taken in by tin-foil-hat wearing loons.

Yet, in the five days since his revelations there has been little in the way of serious reporting on the findings he presented in his presser. With 6 short videos, the Sheriff and his team presented a devastating case, one the tame US press is apparently unable to report.

On April 27, 2011, President Barack walked into the White House Press room with a Cheshire cat like grin and a "Long Form Birth Certificate" from the State of Hawaii in hand. From the podium in the press room, Mr. Obama said, "We're not going to be able to solve our problems if we get distracted by sideshows and carnival barkers,". Quite the barb from a man holding a forged document.

That's right, forged.

The president himself created the scene; one filled laughter from an adoring press corp., a scene of unprecedented fanfare while holding a forged document which was later posted on the White House website. This was the news Sheriff Arpaio revealed on March 1, 2012 in Arizona.

Arpaio asserts that his investigators discovered, during a 6 month long investigation which is ongoing, not only was the "Long Form" likely a digitally created forgery, but the presidents Selective Service Card (Draft Card), allegedly filed in 1980, was also a forgery. These documents are what Barack Hussein Obama relies upon to prove his constitutional eligibility to the office of President of the United States.

Forged documents are being used to qualify a President of the United States for the office he holds. Or is usurped the more accurate term?

The silence from the main stream media in the US is deafening. It almost seems as if the press is terrified to even think the question, let alone ask it: Is the President a criminal? The press in Arpaio's audience were certainly asking him to state precisely that, yet nowhere has the question been asked of the White House by the press. Instead the American Press is aggressively protecting the presumed President of the United States, pushing the fraud upon both America and the world, supporting a man who may well have usurped the office.

For months before Mr. Obama released the April 2011 forgery, American businessman Donald Trump had been demanding that the president show the country definitive proof that he was born in the state of Hawaii, and eligible for the Office of President. The birth certificate forgery which was presented by Mr. Obama was in response to the repeated public requests from the billionaire businessman.

One can easily imagine the reaction of the press had this scenario been about George W. Bush in 2004.

On the contrary, the press itself forged documents regarding the 43rd President: Long term CBS newsman Dan Rather lost his credibility along with his job when he presented forged Air National Guard documents allegedly denigrating the president's service in the 1970's. One can imagine the glee evidence presented by law enforcement officials of a real forgery made by President Bush would have generated. The press feeding frenzy would have eclipsed that of Watergate, the most controversial political event in modern America history which led to the resignation of President Nixon in August of 1974.

The questions in the White House Press room would have been merciless to say the very least.

What has been the response from the Obama era press?


Silence so loud it can be felt.

What has been the response from the 44th president so far?

A tweet from Obama Campaign press secretary Ben LaBolt, containing a link to the conspiracy theory television show "The X-files" theme song: a mocking, Saul Alinsky like, retort.

High Crimes and Misdemeanors appear to have been committed by the President of the United States or his personal representatives in presenting a forged document to the press and the Nation as a legitimate document, and this information has been delivered from Law Enforcement Officials.

Arpaio refused to take the bait offered by a clearly hostile press in the conference room. He refused to accuse the president directly, instead informing the world that they had a "person of interest" in the forgery, and were continuing with the investigation.

Where is the outrage from the press??

As surreal as this is, it isn't the main event. It's only a part of a larger story.



Well-Known Member
Now, ain't this just convenient. That week and ONLY that week.

Letter from NARA to Jerome Corsi.


Flight records missing for week of Obama's birth

by: Jerome R. Corsi
Friday, March 23, 2012

After months of searching, investigators commissioned by Maricopa County, Ariz., Sheriff Joe Arpaio to examine Barack Obama’s eligibility for office found Immigration and Naturalization Service travel records for foreign flights into Hawaii in 1961, only to discover that records for the week of Obama’s birth were missing.

Investigators were searching to determine if Barack Obama might have been born in a foreign country and returned to Honolulu in or around August 1961 with his mother, Ann Dunham. ...

Investigators examining the microfilm records found only one week of INS passenger cards to be completely missing in all the records so far examined. ... Specifically, in Record Group A 3573, data records for Aug. 2, 1961 through Aug. 7, 1961, appear to be completely missing, as if the records were removed from the database prior to the microfilm recording.

Read the original article at World Net Daily


apparently neither of you two has done much archival research. microfilm is VERY sticky. i've gone through a ton of unreadable, stuck-together film and multi-scan messes of adjacent records. the date in question appears at the end of a reel, where there are more likely to be feeding errors.

though obviously, there were sinister agents involved in 1961, anticipating obama's run for president.


Well-Known Member
It seems that there are people in high places who also question the veracity of Obama's birth certificate.


High court justice: Obama birth certificate fishy
Says evidence raises 'serious questions about authenticity'

Published: 1 day ago

by Drew Zahn

An Alabama State Supreme Court justice earlier this week agreed that findings suggesting Barack Obama presented a forged birth certificate to the nation “would raise serious questions about the [document's] authenticity” if presented as evidence in court.

Though the Alabama court denied a a petition filed by Hugh McInnish seeking to require an original copy of Obama’s birth certificate before the sitting president would be allowed on the state’s ballot in November, Justice Tom Parker filed a special, unpublished concurrence in the case arguing that McInnish’s charges of “forgery” were legitimate cause for concern.

Parker writes, “Mclnnish has attached certain documentation to his mandamus petition, which, if presented to the appropriate forum as part of a proper evidentiary presentation, would raise serious questions about the authenticity of both the ‘short form’ and the ‘long form’ birth certificates of President Barack Hussein Obama that have been made public.”

The “certain documentation” Parker refers to is the findings of an investigation conducted by Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

As WND reported, Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse announced there is probable cause indicating the documents released by the White House last April purported to be Obama’s original, long-form birth certificate and Selective Service registration card are actually forgeries.

Help Sheriff Joe blow the lid off Obama’s fraud. Join the Cold Case Posse right now!

McInnus describes himself in his petition as “a person educated and experienced in … computer science,” and cites the work of Arpaio and WND articles repeatedly in his claim that the documents Obama has presented to public as proof of his eligibility to serve as president are “forgeries.”

In his concurrence, Parker describes McInnish’s petition as follows: “McInnish seeks from this court a writ of mandamus, directly ordering Beth Chapman, as secretary of state for the State of Alabama, ‘to demand that [President Barack Hussein] Obama cause a certified copy of his bona-fide birth certificate be delivered to her direct from the government official who is in charge of the record in which it is stored, and to make the receipt of such a prerequisite to his name being placed on the Alabama ballot for the … November 6, 2012, general election.’”

Parker, who also wrote a concurrence in another case arguing Roe v. Wade should be overturned, agreed that Arpaio’s findings were legitimate cause to question Obama’s presented documents, but nonetheless joined his fellow justices in denying McInnish’s petition.

“The Alabama Constitution implies that this court is without jurisdiction over McInnish’s original petition,” Parker explains. “The office of the secretary of state of Alabama is not a ‘court of inferior jurisdiction’ that this court may control through the issuance of a writ in response to a petition.”


Well-Known Member
Once again we have to go to the foreign press to hear that which shall not be spoken in American media.


World Media Picking Up Obama Birth Certificate Fraud While America’s Media Remains Silent

March 30, 2012 byda Tagliare

On March 1, 2012, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and the head of his Cold Case Posse held a news conference that should have reverberated across America like an atomic shock wave. They announced that their investigation revealed that the Barack Hussein Obama birth certificate that the White House posted online last April was a forgery and that this amounted to fraud.

With the question of the sitting US President’s eligibility to hold that office in serious question, you would have expected every major media outlet to flood all of the media outlets with the story. But just the opposite is true. Only the conservative news sites jumped on the news, but since all of the major media outlets are as liberal as Lady Gaga’s outfits, they refused to carry the story.

But the rest of the world is hearing the news that Americans aren’t hearing. The Voice of Russia, which is the official news station in Russia, published an interview with Sheriff Joe Arpaio on March 26. They have picked up on the news story and are doing what they can to spread the news across Russia and neighboring countries.

In Great Britain, the news is getting out as well. Lord Christopher Monckton, former policy adviser to Margaret Thatcher actually flew to Phoenix, Arizona so he could personally review the evidence compiled by the Cold Case Posse. Upon conducting his review, Lord Monckton said that he is convinced the birth certificate is fraudulent. News of his conclusion is already hitting the streets of London.

At the current rate, there will be many more people in other countries that will hear and read the news that Obama’s birth certificate is fake than there will be Americans who hear the news.

It also seems the worst news blackout on the matter is occurring in the US Capitol as members of Congress have said nothing about a matter that is probably the single most important legal issue in American history. Perhaps we’ll just have to see if the Russian and/or British parliaments will impeach Obama since our Congress seems incapable of doing the right thing and correcting the most egregious wrong ever perpetrated on the American people.