

New Member
This past weekend I went snorkeling with my bf, while he dived for our dinner. It was awesome :headbang:


New Member
I could just get the tube ripped out and do my thing for a weekend without trauma... possibly. The inner workings of my rt ear are for shite. The tubing is fairly narrow and is prone to swimmers ear infections all of the time. I would have to wash out my ear with alcohol after each swim and get the tube stuffed back in come monday morning. That would cost me like 120$ out of pocket as well as about 15 min of pretty godawful pain. Its just not worth it. I just avoid dunking my head if I can.


New Member
Even under the best of conditions I would still be in serious pain. The innards of my rt ear is a mass of scar tissues that dont move well under the compression of deeper and deeper water. Flying sucks as well .. or at least it used to before the tube.


New Member
It was shite for the 20 years I tramped about with a constant low grade ear infection and pain. Every time I flew my eardrum would explode on takeoff and again on landings. My inner ear simply didnt breathe. Fluids built up, hit critical mass, explode, relief, heal, repeat. It all happens so slowly... like 5-6 months or so between episodes that I just never took real notice. My hearing on the rt side was and still is seriously messed up. Wonderful wonderful world.


New Member
Especially annoying if you're the type of person that gets a large amount of enjoyment from the sense that has the defect.
Like...I dunno, I'm quite short-sighted. I wear contacts, so it's okay. But even being short-sighted is really crap if you love things like looking at the stars. (Really gay, I know, but you don't know how annoyed I get when the moon is all fuzzy).


New Member
At least I have eagle vision. It makes it murder to sit here in front of a comp for hours on end. The eyestrain headaches...