Summary of President Bush´s speech on the Middle East


Summart of President Bush's speech on the Middle East crisis

Source: Here

The reviews have been mostly positive but there have also been some people who were unhappy because they didn't think Bush went far enough. Well take it from someone who has relentlessly bashed Bush's foreign policy lately and his Israel policy in particular, this was a very good speech.

Let me explain what Bush did in one fell swoop...

- Arafat's offer to accept the 2000 "Clinton Plan" is dead on arrival.

- The US position is now that there can be no Palestinian state headed by Yasser Arafat.

- The speech for all intents and purposes called the PA a terrorist entity.

- It's now clear that the US has no interest in setting up a terrorist state beside of Israel.

- Israel is not being asked to negotiate for a Palestinian state while under fire.

- There are now very tough and fair requirements for the Palestinians to meet in order to be recognized as a state.

- It's been made clear that the majority of the work needed to solve this conflict will have to be done by the Palestinians.

- The speech made it clear that Bush viewed Israel's attacks on the Palestinians as self defense.

- It did not ask the Israelis to pull out of Palestinian territory right now.

- No requests were made for the removal of checkpoints until "violence subsides."

- It gave out some much deserved slaps to Iran, Syria, and Iraq.

Now will this speech end the terrorism and are there any guarantees that the Palestinians will be held to a tough standard long-term? No there are not, but let's take it one step at a time. Bush is saying the right things and is at long last asking the Palestinians to behave in a civilized manner if they want a state. That deserves to be praised after the last few months of blatant pandering and silliness that's passed for Bush administration foreign policy.


Just posting this... I didn't get all of this when I listened to the speech.


Moderator, please correct the spelling of the subject to "Summary". I can't delete the thread and I can't edit the subject. ;)


New Member
i'd love to help ll, but i've no authoritah here, you'll have to wait for s4 or oli.

for the most part i think the stuff in the speech was pretty good, although i do take the palestinian point that it is up to them who runs their country.
no-one complained like mad when an indicted war-criminal took over in israel.

i do believe that a change of leadership to the PA would be of great benefit, but the question is, who? and if they are even more connected to terrorist organisations then everything backs up a stage further. and it is up to the people, ultimately, that is their democratic right.


Wait I get it, you are reffering to Sharon...

The United States does not recognize the World Court, so their rulings are void.


New Member
world court nothing. the israli tribunal found him indirectly responsible for the massacre of 2000 palestinian refugees by right wing militia.

their rulings aren't void just because the us doesn't recognise them, it is possible to take a personal position that is different to the governments, or the court.