The OTC top ten movies list


Well-Known Member
Ten Commandments
Ben Hur
Dances with wolves
The Promise
Jeremiah Johnson
Star Wars


New Member
alex said:
Jeremiah Johnson

Wow! Someone else likes that movie. Did you ever read the book it was based on? The Mountain Man, by Vardis Fisher. Great book. Ten times better than the movie, and I like the movie.

Here is my somewhat specious list of the top ten (not necessarily in order)...

1. Spartacus
2. The Philadelphia Story
3. The African Queen
4. Lawrence of Arabia
5. Rear Window
6. High Noon
7. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
8. Seven Samurai
9. Casablanca
10. Witness for the Prosecution

I say 'specious' because I think any list of top ten movies is going to be somewhat arbitrary. In my list, I gave preference to older movies because I noticed that other people were going heavy on modern movies. There are a lot of great modern movies, but I wanted to get some of these older ones out there.


Well-Known Member
Never read the book, but then, I'm not much of a reader. I do love the movie though.


New Member
There are just too many good ones out there to stick to a top 10 list.

Really, more than enough good ones for a top 100.


New Member
My friend you have a gift for rhyme...

Yes, yes, some of the time.

(Poor André the giant, I thought he was a pretty cool dude)


New Member
I figured this would be a good place for my first real post, so here is my movie list, take it or leave it:

Tommy Boy
Blues Brothers
Full Metal Jacket
Animal House
Die Hard Series (This one will draw some fire)
Shawshank Redemption
Enemy at the Gates (This one will draw some fire, also)
Cool Hand Luke

These are in no particular order