Web Browsers for Linux?


New Member
Yay! I'm finally able to download Mozilla. For the longest time, their website wasn't responding when I tried to download.

Currently getting the windows version of Firebird, but am going to get the Linux version too.

BTW, what other web browsers are there that are good for Linux?
Lynx (doubt you want to use this one) :D

I'd say you can't use it in a 486, but might worth the shot.
Luis G said:
Lynx (doubt you want to use this one) :D

I'd say you can't use it in a 486, but might worth the shot.

Konqueror doesn't work well at all, especially with secure sites (ie, email). I'd go Mozilla, and see if they have a i386 package. As I understand it, the i686 will work, but its designed for the 686 structure (faster systems) so it'd be really slow and unstable. Dunno for sure though. :shrug:

Lynx is king! :D
Mirlyn said:
Konqueror doesn't work well at all, especially with secure sites (ie, email). I'd go Mozilla, and see if they have a i386 package. As I understand it, the i686 will work, but its designed for the 686 structure (faster systems) so it'd be really slow and unstable. Dunno for sure though. :shrug:

Lynx is king! :D

Supposedly the 686 architecture (aka pentium pro) has more pipelines and better 32-bit processing, but the code must be optimized to take advantage of it, theorically the code should run in a 386 system as well but slowly if it is using the 386 instruction set, the problem comes when the code is using specific asm instructions only available in the 686 arch.
Luis G said:
Supposedly the 686 architecture (aka pentium pro) has more pipelines and better 32-bit processing, but the code must be optimized to take advantage of it, theorically the code should run in a 386 system as well but slowly if it is using the 386 instruction set, the problem comes when the code is using specific asm instructions only available in the 686 arch.
Yeah, thats what I figured.