Wes Cravens: Red Eye *****

Satans Puppet

New Member
Too lazy to do a whole new post will just paste what I put on my forums and yay... I haven't posted here since 11/02/03!!!!! :lol:

WOW... what can I say, after a numerous amount of flops Wes Craven finally does himself proud except steps from the Horror Genre and into that of the Thriller.


Okay so are chance meetings an really that common, can your life go by with you playing the part in a central plot without even knowing. Rachel McAdams plays Lisa Riesert a young hotel manager who does her job perfectly, making sure every one is happy all the time. She leaves the safety of her job to take the last flight home, her grandmother has died and its time to say goodbye.


At the airport while waiting for her delayed flight she meets a nice young man once, then again and once again as she discovers he is sitting in the seat next to her.

The major part of the movie revolves around these two characters Lisa and Rippner as Rippner confesses his work and how it affects Lisa and her father. Does she risk the lives of a political figure and his family to save her father or does she risk it all to save everyone involved.


Now Wes Craven is used to dealing with demons and rather then having these demons manifest themselves in a gruesome creature like Freddy or a werewolf, we're treated to inner demons, the inner turmoil of making the ultimate choice, one life for another... letting things spiral so out of control that you yourself see no way of getting things back on track. It's the age old story told with stunning camera work and action... my mate Asma who always comments on people talking in the cinema was so caught up in the suspense of the final scenes that she was chatting away to herself much to my annoyance!!!

McAdams and Murphy put in great performances... I'd imagine should Wes want to he could turn Rachel McAdams into one of the greatest scream queens the cinema has ever seen if only he could stay on track with superb films like this!!!