what a dilema...


New Member
so, new year's coming up...

i'm thinking of the people who're going to be at the party, and fast realising there's going to be a severe lack of girls there...

i've done my best, but the best i can manage is my sister and her mate...

now, again fairly obviously, it'd be quite nice to get a little ooga-booga action on the night...

the dilema comes in, do i settle for the slightly chubby, ginger, not-really-that-attractive and not-really-my-type mate of my sister (who, according to my sis, wants a piece of me)... or (assuming there's someone cute there) go for someone else, knowing that it'd blow the sure thing with the ginger girl...

(we're also assuming here that there's no chance for anything meaningful resulting from the night, as everyone at the party who i don't know will be from miles away, and after the last one I Don't Do long distance things....)

man.. what a choice... ?(


New Member
Name the Movie:

"All my life I never had a sure thing..."

My advice:

Every time you have meaningless sex it leaves a small scar on your soul. Your best bet is to have a good time, flirt with all the girls but don't have sex with any of them unless one just completely bowls you over with her wit and charm.

Alternatively, you could try to nail them both in the same night... :eh:


Well-Known Member
When I was younger I was always on the "If I can't get the right girl I prefer to stay alone" train. today I would do a lot of things different. I say if you NEED desperately someone, go for your sister's mate. Otherwise try to do some research just to see if some real opportunity comes...


New Member
Hey bro, I'll throw my lot in with Ardsy on this one. Perhaps yer sister's friend is someone with a heart, someone with real character.............yer motives will be known to her, for what they really are, (how do ya wanna be remembered?)

Why make scorin' some ass, yer primary objective, at the risk of burnin' bridges with folks who could be potential friends?

I recommend spendin' some quality time in a "onesome" with yer willy, before goin' to the party. If spankin' once isn't enough, go fer a second or third time. Perhaps, pumpin' iron a while, to burn the excess testosterone could help.

Then go to the party, with the attitude of being the kind of friend to others, that you'd like to have.

I know it may sound trite or like I'm jus' outta touch, but I've been 20 before, yet I wouldn't trade the perpective that bein' 34 brings......nor the awesome friends I have, and the benefit of makin' an occasional "unselfish" choice here an' there.:)