What's this noise called?


New Member
You know when you are finished downloading something and it makes that noise telling you it's done? My puter has a default noise that grates on my nerves and I want to change it but I don't know what that is called. I figured it would be called "download complete" or something similar in the windows sounds and multimedia area of my control panel. Here is a list of things that sounds are attached to that I do not know what they are and I figure the download sound is one of them:
critical stop
Default beep
Which one is it?


New Member
You should be able to play them from the Sounds applet in the Control Panel, no? There should be a play button there too if you click on Exclamation.

I change mine too, some of them I'm not all that fond of.

Whenever I would get a new email, I had a quote from Monty Python and the Holy Grail when Patsy catches an arrow in the chest, "Mmmmessage for you sir!"


New Member
Professur said:
Should be Exclamation.

But I can't see that being that irritating. It's just a PING!
Try hearing it 30 times a day.

GF? It seems like many things are set to that default ping. I just want to change the one.


New Member
Professur said:
What on earth are you doing that you're completing 30 downloads a day?
Work. Rob takes the piccy's and emails them to me. I save them in a folder so that I can upload them to ebay when I do the listings. 30 a day is a very heavy day but I really hate "the fuck you noise".
I changed it to a Star Trek sound byte.


New Member
It's chord.wav, attached to the Windows "Asterisk" event in the Sounds & Multimedia section of the Control Panel.

I just downloaded something from my gmail, chose "none" for the "Asterisk" event and the sound stopped.

Is that it?


New Member
You are very welcome! The bad news is that chord.wav is attached to a bunch of other system sounds too. But if you just click on each one in the list with the speaker icon, you should be able to change all of them if you want. :)