

New Member
I know it's a long whiney story, but I just need some advice to make me feel better I think. Thanks. :)

So I have this really great friend that I think I mentioned in another post. I met him at the goth club a few months ago and we have talked everyday since then and have become very good friends. He has helped me through a lot of crap and I acctualy trust him which is not something I give out very eaisly. Well, we went to the goth club a week ago and saw each other for the first time since we had met. I was pretty dunk but we danced most of the night in a very provacitive way. At the end of the night I ended up mooning and flashing the DJ booth as I know those crazy guys and I was beyond plastered. Well, my friend was up there when I did it. I felt bad cause friends aren't sposed to see that. Whoops. I didn't see anything too wrong with the dancing tho cause that is the theme of the night, Skin2Skin. But he made a big deal out of it all week and talked about it a lot. He told me that we could be great together in the future. He told me that the things I was working towards and the way I was furthering myself as a person (law school, good carrer while in school, my own place etc...) were what he wanted in a girl and that I was a trusted friend of his and that I was sweet, sexy and smart. So dumbass me got my hopes up about him. I talked to him today before I left for the club and he said he might go. He had to see what his cute hippish neighbor was doing. Jealousy caught me by surprise. I expected not to see him last night but told him he should go anyway. I was surprised when he showed up. A few of our mutual friends gave him shit cause according to the grapevine they are jealous that I always hang on him and he gets hugs and kisses and stuff. I don't have a connection with them and none of them have my trust or do I have interest in. Anyway, with my broken foot we couldn't dance much but we talked and did the friendly hugging, cuddling thing. He saved me from this dork and his wife that want to make me into a Lissa sandwhich by pretending to be my boyfriend. He was just too dam good at it. The way he held me and rested his chin on my head (He's 6'7 *drool*) was just so sweet and it made me feel happy and safe but at the same time lonely and sad. I was resting on his chest and staring out into space when he looked down at me and asked "Are you alright? Or are you just comfertable?" I told him I was comfertable but didn't answer the first question. That is the first time I have ever held anything back from him. I think I will tell him about it when I talk to him next, not the part about how I want more from him tho. I came home and cried a lot of the black goth makeup off my face. I just dunno what to do. We grow closer all the time, but when we see each other, I feel even closer to him. I want to keep his friendship as it is very important to me, but what do I do about my feelings?

Any advice for a whiney, picky, suburbain princess?


New Member
He thought that I wanted to kiss him when we were dancing and I was swimming in Long Island territory. He asked me about it and I told him that I knew I didn't and I kept turning my head really fast everytime his mouth got near mine. He responded asking if that is why my ponyfalls kept hitting him in the face. I then said, "Why did you want me to kiss you?" He said no, we are just friends. He has made it VERY apparent, especialy last night, that we are just friends.

Luis G

Staff member
Give it a try. Worse that can happen is him saying no and keeping the friendship (back to where you are right now but without the doubt of the "what if").

Luis G

Staff member
Shadowfax said:
give it a try. if he's a real friend he won't let the friendship slip away over this.

If you guys are real friends this won't be a bad thing, after all isn't it better to know the person as a friend?, you already know his qualities and flaws, you know what you want and you accept him as he is.


New Member
He has made it clear that we are just friends and he knows that I want more, he just doesn't know ALL the details. I basicaly have tried. I just don't know how to get rid of my feelings.

Luis G

Staff member
ouch, that's gotta hurt, now why would he don't want anything more?, i know you're good looking and it also seems like he has you on high esteem as a person.

He told me that we could be great together in the future.

What's his game?, is he being honest with you about that?, if he is then is just a matter of making him see &quot;why wait for the future", but if he's not he's just playing with you and he doesn't deserve the real-true-great-friend rating you are giving to him.

More than 7 years ago i used to say that to a friend, i liked her as "something more" and i'm sure she liked me for "something more", we had this great friendship, but i was always putting it very clear that we were just friends, guess i didn't want to spoil it (that kind of stupid thoughts crossed my mind when i was younger), a few years later after the friendship broke up because of "the tension of the feelings" i regreted not going for it.

Guess we all learn the hard way, and we all learn that we can't have our willing in our feelings. I wish you the best.


Well-Known Member
Make his words mine. When we are young we always have these dreams of friendship being forever, but believe me you would count on your finger your real friends, the ones that will not turn their backs for you when they marry. There comers a time when you have to get that "ultimate friend", the one that would be with you forever. You have to ask yourself if you would manage to stay with him only for friendship...


New Member
The best relationships are ones that sneak up on you and you're together before you realise it. Leave him be, if you really would be happy together he'll see that for himself eventually, and if he doesn't, you can at least conclude that you wouldn't have been happy with him anyway, given that he's too dumb to see how great you are.. :p


Staff member
AlladinSane said:
Make his words mine. When we are young we always have these dreams of friendship being forever, but believe me you would count on your finger your real friends, the ones that will not turn their backs for you when they marry. There comers a time when you have to get that "ultimate friend", the one that would be with you forever. You have to ask yourself if you would manage to stay with him only for friendship...
That's a lovely thought :hug:


New Member
I'm just glad that even with some of the shit hitting the fan that he is my good friend. He's great. Someday we might, or we might not end up together. But he'll always be my friend. It'll suck when he does get a girlfriend tho, cuz then he won'tbe all cuddley with me anymore.


Staff member
PrincessLissa said:
I'm just glad that even with some of the shit hitting the fan that he is my good friend. He's great. Someday we might, or we might not end up together. But he'll always be my friend. It'll suck when he does get a girlfriend tho, cuz then he won'tbe all cuddley with me anymore.

I can completely relate Lissa. The guy I talk about in the "lover to friend" thread and I are super close now and I know we will always be friends but when he gets a gf and the cuddly stuff (and I more in my case, I don't know about yours) will have to stop and the thought of that makes me sad :(


Well-Known Member
a13antichrist said:
The best relationships are ones that sneak up on you and you're together before you realise it.
Agree, but what do you do when it doesn't happen that way anymore?


New Member
This is something that snuck up on me. I met him at the gothclub which is a place you do NOT meet men at. So I thought, well he hangs out with my friends, I can be his friend too. Then out of nowhere that night we danced, something happend. But I'm getting over it.