Why oh why oh why


molṑn labé
Staff member
A story as old as La Morte d'Arthur or as new as Salem's Lot. Well written. Outstanding story telling. Incredible character development. They stand on their own merits and need no help.

So why is it some over-educated & under-artistic producer gets together with some under-educated and self-indulgent director & they completely destroy what is complete on its own? What is with this fascination to take from another & make it personal, no matter the cost (which is usually high)?

I just finished watching the trailer for King Arthur. The original written story by Mallory was, nay-is, magnificent. Now along come some nincompoop and decides to not only re-make a movie that can't be made correctly, he decideds to give it a PC twist, uses 21st century humor & re-tells the story in an incorrect fashion and does it with a massive budget. At least LotR made an attempt to follow the story.

This, on top of the re-make of Salem's Lot on TNT. I expected little & was disappointed. Stephen King's stories are so easy to follow. He isn't writing fanatsy languages & sci-fi plots so thick the should be a gravy necessity. He has simple people in horrific situations. Yet not one movie has ever come close to following what he writes. Stand by Me was decent. The movie stands on it's own as good but even it's off track.

Why can't they just follow the book? If things need to be cut, fine. Just don't change the story.


New Member
Gonz said:
Why can't they just follow the book? If things need to be cut, fine. Just don't change the story.

That's my gripe too. Books are ALWAYS better than the movies that attempt to portray them.

I read an article somewhere about the newest Harry Potter, it was actually praising the new director for not following the book, saying something along the lines of the movie more accurately portraying Rowling's vision.

Now, correct me if I'm wrong in thinking this, but doesn't the book more accurately portray Rowling's vision, seeing as she's the author? :lloyd: