

Well-Known Member
Nil humanis a me alienum pota
latin: nothing human is alien to me

Were you really surprised by the responces....its just a questionaire and most people wouldn't take it seriously...I've heard people say that the whole Middle-East should be turned into a HUGE glass mirror with a coupl'a tactical nukes...

Until, that is...they actually think about it...hmmm...nuke innocents, children, radiation poisoning, wind shifts...nuclear winter...all those people vaporized.

It's easy to say...but not easy to do.


New Member
PuterTutor said:
I was browsing again and found this one. I wouldn't have thought this was the case at all.

Do you favor or oppose allowing the government to use any means necessary, including physical torture, to obtain information from prisoners that might protect the United States from terrorist attacks?"

Favor 44%
Oppose 42%
Depends 5%
Not Sure 9%

Proles will go along with anything The Party says.


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
MrBishop said:
Nil humanis a me alienum pota
latin: nothing human is alien to me

Were you really surprised by the responces....its just a questionaire and most people wouldn't take it seriously...I've heard people say that the whole Middle-East should be turned into a HUGE glass mirror with a coupl'a tactical nukes...

Until, that is...they actually think about it...hmmm...nuke innocents, children, radiation poisoning, wind shifts...nuclear winter...all those people vaporized.

It's easy to say...but not easy to do.

You may have a point. I was talking to a guy at work about this today, and he gave the same response, immediatley, but then after a few minutes, after thinking it over, and realizing the consequences, he changed his mind. I think it's just a knee-jerk reaction that people have that it's ok at first, then not later. I'm sure the pollsters don't give alot of time to think over each question.