Yatta! - The original video


Well-Known Member
Lemme guess.

Yatta actually means 'too gay to be gay' in Japanese?

c'ripes...Gay men everywhere are cringing.


Well-Known Member
MrBishop said:
Lemme guess.

Yatta actually means 'too gay to be gay' in Japanese?

c'ripes...Gay men everywhere are cringing.
Nah, it means "you did it!", "i did it!" etc, sometimes "allright!" or "okay!". But i agree, the video is quite effin' wierd.


New Member

My friend had me watch that every daqy I came over, and actually considered going to Otakon as someone fromt hat group!!!!



Well-Known Member
there was a video I liked a lot better for this song. that doesnt have the men in it. funny song. J pop has some very catchy tunes

*sings Ugly Girl*