Yet another road trip...


New Member
I got a call 2 days ago about a developing situation with my moms kid sister, auntie Deborah. Apparently she wasn't feeling well and went to the docs like 10 days ago for a physical. They did a blood count and it came out dangerously low. I'm no doc ... but I was told it was a 5 .. with somewhere around 15 being normal. She was given a unit of blood and a soft tissue exray. 'Something' was seen in her low abdomen and she was rushed to surgery. She is in the coastal city of Brunswick (50k pop). They have a nice modest hospital there... but nothing overly fantastic. They opened her up and found a huge mass attached to her uterus. It was over the top for their capabilities so she was sewn back up... 4 more units of blood. She was taken to Jacksonville, Florida (100ish miles south, 1 million pop) to a more capable hospital. There she was opened up again and they took a better look. The mass was determined to be 18cm with tendrils running about into her intestine and grazing one kidney. If it was just the simple mass they would have done a radical hysterectomy on the spot and been done with it. The connector through the intestine threw them for a loop. They had to study it and do a cancer biopsy to determine how much intestine they need to chop out... and also, if it is a cancer, they need to hit her with a little chemo and radiation before hand to shrink the mass and break the link to the kidney. The 'b' surgical team declared it to be beyond their capabilities as well and have called in the 'a' team. I was told that 8 specialists are zipping in from all over the region to either do the deed or observe as a major case for learning purpouses. They are also gathering enough blood to try and pull it off. They estimate it will take 10+ units since several major arteries are compromised. The whole family is steadily making the pilgrimage to visit with her. The weekend is already 'overbooked' as it were with her own kids and brothers and sisters. They only let 2 into the ICU rooms at a time and have scanty visiting hours. I will be a part of the second wave come monday or so with the grandparents wherin I willhave more time with her as well as extra time to get over this cold thats been dogging me all week. I dont know how long I will be gone... but I will probably stop off in Brunswick for a few days if naught for more than a simple family visit with my mom and the cousins... plus it wouldn't hurt to be that close just in case this shit turns sour and it becomes a funeral. So... Don't expect to hear much out of me in the upcoming week.


New Member
Just got a call from mom this morning. She happens to have a medical degree and could explain things a bit better to me than my aged grandparents. It turns out that her early loss of blood somewhere around the first surgery caused a massive thrombosis in one of her legs. They put in a screening catheter into the leg artery to catch it if it breaks loose. Its a monster and as poised to lodge in a lung if it gets free. They decided to go after the clot first and then follow it up with a wave of chemo and radiation to reduce it. If its cancerous... its the right call. It its just a runaway sarcoma ... it shouldnt be affected much. They would be doing the chemo in any case to strip the estrogen out of her system and attempt to rob the chemical messenger that is driving its growth. The future radical hysterectomy would be doing as much to her anyway. Its all in little watch and wait baby steps at the moment. No real idea when they are going in and getting this sucker. At least they have her on a mild dose of morphine and allowing her some soft foods again.


Staff member
Don't know what I can say, except that I hope for the best and wish her a speedy recovery.


New Member
dammit... rommie came home last night with yet another unrelated cold to the one Ive been fighting and gave it to me. This makes cold #3 in as many weeks. This will probably delay my departure a tad.


Staff member
*hugs Unc*

I am sorry to hear that sweetie. I hope everything will be OK. My thoughts will be with you and your entire family, especially your aunt.

As far as Toby goes, give him a swift kick inthe butt and tell him if he keeps getting sick he has to sleep in that thing you dug in the back yard (you know to drain the water instead of making a Duck pond!)


<b>mod cow</b>
My best wishes too unc! :(

Hope things will turn out a little bit OK after all! Until that time, I wish you all the luck you and your family can use!


Well-Known Member
unc im so sorry this week has been shitty hell for ya. if theres anything we can do for you jsut ask were all here for you ya know that. tkae care and best wishes to your loved ones and you. i cant promise itll get better(and my deepest apologies if that seemed insensitive or offended you in any way shape or form)but i can promise that we will give you all the support we can on here unless you know us in person which im sure they will be there for you much more than those you dont. again my deepest symapthy and feel free to get it all out on here thats what were here for.