Yo! Parent types...


New Member
Now that you've been in your special routine for god knows how long and your kids are getting a bit of age and self reliance... or still a baby, whatever your circumstance; what parts of your living that was set aside have you taken back up again? Most parents I know have this 2 year period where music drops off to almost nil. Loud music seems to be set aside forever. Bedtimes that once went earlier and earlier to match with the kids start to push back out... but don't seem to go to where they once were in the deep night. Do you see your old friends as much anymore? Do they come to hang out with you considering that SHHHH!... you have to be quiet... the baby is sleeping... you have to keep the tv sound down... no you cant turn on the radio. have you attempted to 'get back into the grove' at all? Is it even possible to contemplate the randy party life before the kid becomes a teenager? Are you now permanently out of the groove?


Staff member
This one will take some thought, I'm gonna get back to you in the morning. I have to hit the sack, gotta get up early with the kids :laugh:


molṑn labé
Staff member
That's why we had a life before we had a kid. It doesn't matter anymore.

An example. my wife & I vs her sister & her husband.
we were in our 30's before Coven. They were just in their 20's for the first. Between us, we've seen half the globe. They've seen half the state. We partied with celebrities & musicians. They partied with the in laws. We've been there, done that. They've been nowhere, done very little. My wife was upper management, I was bass. then lead driver. He had a heart attack. She is now entering management. We wanted to raise Ferraris, not babies. They were content with two.

Now-our 8 year old can't stand not being in the same room as his mom. Their kids hate them (ours will too, I know). My son sword fights me with real, star wars Jedi light sabres, their youngest wants to borrow the car. We don't go out anymore because it hurts the next day & isn't important anymore. They go out alot even though it hurts the next day & it does matter. :shrug: take your pick.


I know quite a few parents that none of that applies to. There's babysitters and such you know.


Staff member
I don't think we ever changed much, except for bedtime is a touch earlier, and we sure as heck rise way too early. Sleeping in would be nice some year :laugh:

The babies all fit nicely into our lifestyle. We never felt obliged to keep the house quiet except within reason, the stereo stays below 3 though, but as a rule we found that if they are used to activity and sounds, they will sleep through noise fine. If we want to go, we go with the kid(s) if appropriate, if not, we don't go, not a huge deal.

We were never big party animals, most of our time was home anyway, so that isn't a change, the worst is not finding a sitter when I really really need to get out, which is not really that often. I'm happy this way, being at home with my family, for the most part.

Our old and dear friends are still around regularly, lots of Aunts and Uncles for the kids, others have fizzled off, we've made new as well, mostly other parents, though.

I don't see getting back into any kind of party life, I don't envy those that are in it, don't really have an interest, and most days feel far too old :). We're happy now with a backyard bbq, sitting around having a beer with friends and all the kids running around having a blast. That's our fun now.

We may have missed out on things but you don't miss what you don't know, and we're happy. :)


New Member
We never went out a hell of a lot, anyway. I partied a bit before I got married, but not much after.

The only real changes in our lifestyle between now and before Ted are that we try to be a little quieter at naptimes, and the kitchen is a perpetual mess.


New Member
Yikes! Thank god there are tons of family around to call on as babysitters!!

I don't really do the party thing anyway. I'd much rather spend the night with a few friends, having a few at home, than going out. That doesn't have to stop with a baby around. People can still come over and have a few.


I had my first when I was 22. Had #3 at 28. By the time I'm 50, all my kids will be out of the house and my wife and I will be free. That is a major plus to having the kids early (in my opinion anyway).

Even though we have 3 kids, we do pretty much whatever we want. I hang out with my friends all the time. My wife recently went to Vegas for a week. Prior to that, we all went to San Diego together.

My wife let's me invite my buddies over, I let her do the same. When one decides to have the friends over, the other takes the kids and leaves the house.

My kids are very well behaved, so we eat out whenever we choose. We don't like leaving our kids with a babysitter... so we haven't gone out to the movies in a long time.

The kitchen... yes, it's a perpetual mess, as is the kids' rooms. Sometimes I have to clean up after one kid barfs all over the place... but aside from the minor inconveniences of having children, the blessings far outway everything else. I wouldn't change a thing. And when I'm 50 trotting the globe and partying with celebrities, I'm sure I'll still feel the same way.


Well-Known Member
No changes here. The kids listen to whatever I put on the radio. Watch whatever's on TV. Eat whatever's served (unless they want to go to bed hungry).

But the missus and I reserve time off for a movie now and then. Either her mother or mine babysits.