You guys are pretty creative...


New Member
Hmm...Thelma actually seems interesting. My mom has a 2003 Cavalier, black, and I named it Louis. So it would be Louis and Thelma. Thelma and Louis. Hmm.


Well-Known Member
FluerVanderloo said:
Hmm...Thelma actually seems interesting. My mom has a 2003 Cavalier, black, and I named it Louis. So it would be Louis and Thelma. Thelma and Louis. Hmm.

Yup...a famous movie theme going on with a subcontext of womanly bonding and without the poo poo anarchist suicidal undertones which haunt the movie.

Drive and bond with your mother without jumping off of bridges.


Well-Known Member
'91 Cavalier? You should call it broken down... because that's what it will be soon enough. :p


New Member
Inkara1 said:
'91 Cavalier? You should call it broken down... because that's what it will be soon enough. :p

Gah. Cavaliers are tough little shits. We had an 80-something a while back, with 130,000 miles on it. We rode the hell out of it, then sold it. The guy who bought it called us about a month ago, it's still running good. So there. Hmph. :lol2:


Well-Known Member
FluerVanderloo said:
I need to name my car. It can be a male of female name, I'm not picky.

White 1991 Chevy Cavalier, Z24.

A cavalier - Cavalryman? hmmm....I keep picturing knights riding on about Lancelot? or...Don Quijote (just avoid the windmills)