You have the right to remain silent


molṑn labé
Staff member
Just another order from a judge wishing to legislate from the bench. Those words were never required until some idiot jurist made it so. Then , it was clearly never intended to be used on non-American soil.

Until Obama.

The Department of Justice acknowledged Wednesday that FBI agents have read terrorist suspects their rights overseas, at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan and other places, to "preserve the quality of evidence obtained."

The blind preacher is in jail fro trying to blow up the Twin Towers. It seems his accomplices can soon join him there.

OK, now I may be ready to call for a withdrawl of our troops. They are not police.



New Member
Hey Gonz, you should read your own article instead of making up your own reality.

Just another order from a judge wishing to legislate from the bench.

If you had read the 3rd paragraph you would see this "the move does not represent a "policy change" and that no "blanket instruction" was given to the FBI to Mirandize detainees."

Until Obama.

Also in the 3rd paragraph..."Officials said it was a practice that began under the Bush administration."


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
This is a non-issue unless the military starts doing this. The FBI is merely doing what the FBI does by the book, across the board, without exception; dotting i's and crossing t's.


molṑn labé
Staff member
If you had read the 3rd paragraph you would see this "the move does not represent a "policy change" and that no "blanket instruction" was given to the FBI to Mirandize detainees

Who is in control of the justice dept?

Miss the big picture....are we in the middle of a war or are we policing?


New Member
The big picture is you made up some stuff instead of reading your article.

Policing sounds like a better description than war though.


Well-Known Member
Sarah Palin told us that this would be the case.

PALIN: Al-Qaeda terrorists still plot to inflict catastrophic harm on America, and he's (Obama's) worried that someone won't read 'em their rights.

Yet Obama claimed that this was not true. He said this on "60 Minutes" March 22, 2009:

Now, do these folks deserve Miranda rights? Do they deserve to be treated like a shoplifter down the block? Of course not.


New Member
Read ok.

The Department of Justice acknowledged Wednesday that FBI agents have read terrorist suspects their rights overseas, at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan and other places, to "preserve the quality of evidence obtained."

But Justice Department spokesman Dean Boyd insisted the move does not represent a "policy change" and that no "blanket instruction" was given to the FBI to Mirandize detainees. Officials said it was a practice that began under the Bush administration.

Gen. David Petraeus, head of Central Command, said Thursday that FBI agents, not members of the U.S. military, have read rights to detainees in only a "very limited number of cases" and that the practice had been used in other countries previously.

"This is the FBI doing what the FBI does," Petraeus said. "So we are comfortable with this."


Well-Known Member
Do I really have to step in here? Do you folks relish being obtuse? Any foreigner standing on american soil is granted Miranda. Is that clear enough? IT'S ALWAYS BEEN THAT WAY. Take it from a foreigner who enters the US on a pretty regular basis.

A US agent detaining an ununiformed hostile in a foreign country may read the detainee Miranda, but until that person sets foot on US soil, it's just talk. If that hostile is taken to the local police he's still subject to their regs. BUT, if that person is taken to a US military base, Miranda comes into effect. THIS IS NOT NEW.


Well-Known Member
You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

You have the right to talk to a lawyer and have him present with you while you are being questioned.

If you can not afford a lawyer, one will be provided for you at government expense.

-Miranda warning

So the people who are detained overseas have United States Constitutional rights even though they are not United States citizens.

Do they get military JAG attorneys upon request at government expense? That seems to be their "right".


molṑn labé
Staff member
BUT, if that person is taken to a US military base, Miranda comes into effect.

No sir.

People under control of the military are not under civilian authority. They are not subject to civilian rights. This was covered under a WW2 Supreme Court case in which 4 (I believe) Germans spies were caught in NY State. Anyone taken from military operations are not afforded US Constitutional protections.

The FBI has never issued miranda to a foreign national on foreign territory. If they are not subject to American laws, and courts, since when is shooting (at) a US soldier, on foreign soil, a criminal matter?

Either we are at war or our FBI is operating under extra-judicial matters, which, depending upon treaties, could be illicit operations.