"you said rape twice"


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Oh no sorry I missed your original point:
Gawd wants rape to happen so
a baby is a punishment for being raped!


molṑn labé
Staff member
Foot in his mouth for incorrect political speech but it is a valid point...what makes a one night stand or a long term marriage, baby, any more valuable as a human being. I've always wondered why there are exceptions to the whole pro-life thing.


Well-Known Member
Dana Loesch said it best today on her radio program regarding what the Republican position should be regarding this remark:
The best way for the GOP to handle this? "Apologize FOR WHAT?"


Well-Known Member
Foot in his mouth for incorrect political speech but it is a valid point...what makes a one night stand or a long term marriage, baby, any more valuable as a human being. I've always wondered why there are exceptions to the whole pro-life thing.

There ought not to be exceptions. Arguments based off of "rape" or "incest" appeal to emotion, not logic.